шамси камила a god in every stone

Шамси Камила A God in Every Stone шамси камила a god in every stone
Шамси Камила A God in Every Stone

Shortlisted for the Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction.Summer, 1914. Young Englishwoman Vivian Rose Spencer is in an ancient land, about to discover the Temple of Zeus, the call of adventure, and love. Thousands of miles away a twenty-year-old Pathan, Qayyum Gul, is learning about brotherhood and loyalty in the British Indian army. Summer, 1915. Viv has been separated from the man she loves; Qayyum has lost an eye at Ypres. They meet on a train to Peshawar, unaware that a connection is about to be forged between their lives - one that will reveal itself fifteen years later when anti-colonial resistance, an ancient artefact and a mysterious woman will bring them together again..

Shamsie K. A God in Every Stone шамси камила a god in every stone
Shamsie K. A God in Every Stone

Shortlisted for the Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction.Summer, 1914. Young Englishwoman Vivian Rose Spencer is in an ancient land, about to discover the Temple of Zeus, the call of adventure, and love. Thousands of miles away a twenty-year-old Pathan, Qayyum Gul, is learning about brotherhood and loyalty in the British Indian army. Summer, 1915. Viv has been separated from the man she loves; Qayyum has lost an eye at Ypres. They meet on a train to Peshawar, unaware that a connection is about to be forged between their lives - one that will reveal itself fifteen years later when anti-colonial resistance, an ancient artefact and a mysterious woman will bring them together again. .

Shamsie Kamila A God in Every Stone шамси камила a god in every stone
Shamsie Kamila A God in Every Stone

Summer, 1914. Young Englishwoman Vivian Rose Spencer is in an ancient land, about to discover the Temple of Zeus, the call of adventure, and love. Thousands of miles away a twenty-year-old Pathan, Qayyum Gul, is learning about brotherhood and loyalty in the British Indian army. Summer, 1915. Viv has been separated from the man she loves; Qayyum has lost an eye at Ypres. They meet on a train to Peshawar, unaware that a connection is about to be forged between their lives – one that will reveal itself fifteen years later when anti-colonial resistance, an ancient artefact and a mysterious woman will bring them together again.

2339 Руб.

Shamsie K. A God in Every Stone шамси камила a god in every stone
Shamsie K. A God in Every Stone

Shortlisted for the Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction.Summer, 1914. Young Englishwoman Vivian Rose Spencer is in an ancient land, about to discover the Temple of Zeus, the call of adventure, and love. Thousands of miles away a twenty-year-old Pathan, Qayyum Gul, is learning about brotherhood and loyalty in the British Indian army. Summer, 1915. Viv has been separated from the man she loves; Qayyum has lost an eye at Ypres. They meet on a train to Peshawar, unaware that a connection is about to be forged between their lives - one that will reveal itself fifteen years later when anti-colonial resistance, an ancient artefact and a mysterious woman will bring them together again. .

Шамси Камила Kartography шамси камила a god in every stone
Шамси Камила Kartography

Shortlisted for the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize.By the acclaimed winner of the Women's Prize for Fiction 2018.Soul mates from birth, Karim and Raheen finish one another's sentences, speak in anagrams and lie spine to spine. They are irrevocably bound to one another and to Karachi, Pakistan. It beats in their hearts - violent, polluted, corrupt, vibrant, brave and ultimately, home. As the years go by they let a barrier of silence build between them until, finally, they are brought together during a dry summer of strikes and ethnic violence and their relationship is poised between strained friendship and fated love..

Шамси Камила In the City by the Sea шамси камила a god in every stone
Шамси Камила In the City by the Sea

Hasan is eleven years old. He loves cricket, pomegranates, the night sky, his clever, vibrant artistic mother and his etymologically obsessed lawyer father, and he adores his next-door neighbour Zehra. One early summer morning, while lazing happily on the roof, Hasan watches a young boy flying a yellow kite fall to his death. Soon after, Hasan's idyllic, sheltered family life is shattered when his beloved uncle Salman, a dissenting politician, is arrested and charged with treason... Set in a land ruled by an oppressive military regime, this eloquent, charming and quietly political novel vividly recreates the confusing world of a young boy on the edge of adulthood, and beautifully illustrates the transformative power of the imagination..

Шамси Камила Домашний огонь шамси камила a god in every stone
Шамси Камила Домашний огонь

После смерти матери и бабушки заботы о брате и сестре легли на плечи старшей Исмы. Она отодвинула в сторону свои мечты, забыла о своих амбициях и посвятила себя Анике и Парвизу. И вот они выросли, и каждый пошел своим путем. Исма свободна и готова вернуться к университетской карьере. Но беспокойство за брата и сестру никуда не исчезло. Аника взбалмошна и слишком красива. А Парвиз выбрал темный путь - сгинул в мареве Ближнего Востока, в надежде понять их отца-джихадиста. Перед Исмой, Аникой, Парвизом и остальными героями романа встанет тяжелейший выбор, от которого им не уйти. Что сильнее: кровные узы или узы любви? Что важнее: милосердие или верность закону? Роман Камилы Шамси - современная версия "Антигоны" Софокла. Античная трагедия разворачивается в декорациях наших дней, но сила человеческих чувств не ослабла со времен Софокла. В 2017 году книга была номинирована на премию Booker, а в 2018-м получила премию Women's Prize за художественное произведение. Хороший романист размывает границу между своими героями и читателем. Камила Шамси - редкий писатель, она заставляет начисто забыть о существовании такой границы. Рабих Аламеддин "Домашний огонь" оставил меня в потрясении и восхищении. Это обязательное чтение для премьер-министров и президентов во всем мире. Питер Кэри Прозрачная проза Шамси неожиданно гармонирует с лихорадочным сердечным ритмом нашего времени. "Домашний огонь" наглядно показывает, сколь различны могут быть человеческие пути и сколь неожиданно они могут сходиться. Не знаю романа, более актуального. Амината Форна Страстный роман о том, что люди творят во имя любви и во имя того, что они называют домом. Лейла Лалами Одна из самых незабываемых финальных сцен в литературе этого столетия. Финал "Домашнего огня" - это возвышенная музыка, растворенная в воздухе. New York Times Проза Камилы Шамси элегантна и западает в душу. Ее роман - это завораживающая история о том, что важнее: интересы общества или человечность, семья или вера. Guardian Безусловно, Камилу Шамси вдохновила "Антигона", но ее роман глубоко оригинален, он поднимает те же вопросы, что и пару тысячелетий назад поднимал Софокл, но делает это совершенно иначе, под другим углом и, конечно, в совсем ином контексте. Роман полон блестящих сцен, его ритм то убаюкивает, то взрывается лихорадочным биением. Шамси рассказывает о том, как политические и религиозные вопросы могут стать сугубо личными, как они могут привести к трагедии, опустошающей и возвышающей. Washington Post Совсем небольшой роман, но ощущение, что прочитал нечто эпическое. Telegraph Роман о том, что единственный способ противостоять фундаментализму, питающемуся ненавистью - это стать приверженцем фундаментализма любви. Sunday Times В этой античной, но современной трагедии все персонажи - отцы, сыновья, братья, сестры, любовники - в финале сойдутся в монументальном крещендо. Vogue Роман-комментарий о верности, любви, справедливости, политике, терроризме, религии и семье. Buzzfeed Один из лучших романов этого года. Умный, тонкий, ничуть не дидактический роман о том, как глобальная политика внедряется в семью и в душу человека. В "Домашнем огне" есть все, что должно быть в хорошей художественной прозе - интрига, красота, глубина, напряжение. Spectator Камила Шамси родилась в 1973 году в Карачи, где она и выросла. Закончила Университет Массачусетса (США). В 1998 году вышел ее первый роман "Город у моря", в том же году он был номинирован на премию John Llewelyn Rhys Award (Великобритания), в 1999-м Камила Шамси получила литературную премию Prime Minister's Award (Пакистан). В 2000-м году, после выхода второго романа, "Соль и шафран", оргкомитет премии Orange назвал писательницу в числе "21 лучших писателей наступившего 21 века". Ее третий роман "Картография" снова был номинирован на британскую премию John Llewelyn Rhys Award. "Картография" и следующий роман "Сломанные стихи" получили премию пакистанской Академии письменности. Пятый роман "Утомленные тени" был номинирован на премию Orange. Последний роман Камилы Шамси "Домашний огонь" попал в номинацию премии Booker в 2017 году, а в 2018-м получил премию Women's Prize for Fiction. Живет писательница в Лондоне и пакистанском Карачи. В 2018 году она вошла в авторитетное жюри премии Gold Booker, которое должно выбрать лучший роман десятилетия.

Шамси Камила Broken Verses шамси камила a god in every stone
Шамси Камила Broken Verses

Fourteen years ago Aasmaani's mother Samina, a blazing beauty and fearless activist, walked out of her house and was never seen again. Aasmaani refuses to believe she is dead and still dreams of her glorious return. Now grown up and living in Karachi, Aasmaani receives what could be the longed-for proof that her mother is still alive. As she comes closer to the truth she is also irresistibly drawn to Ed, her ally and sparring partner, and the only person who can understand the profound hurt - and the profound love - that drives her..

Riordan Rick Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse шамси камила a god in every stone
Riordan Rick Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse

It's not every day you find yourself in combat with a half-lion, half-human. But when you're the son of a Greek God, it happens. And now my friend Annabeth is missing, a Goddess is in chains and only five half-blood heroes can join the quest to defeat the doomsday monster.

1609 Руб.

Riordan Rick Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse. The Graphic Novel шамси камила a god in every stone
Riordan Rick Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse. The Graphic Novel

Half Boy. Half God. ALL Hero. It's not every day you find yourself in combat with a half-lion, half-human. But when you're the son of a Greek God, it happens. And now my friend Annabeth is missing, a Goddess is in chains and only five half-blood heroes can join the quest to defeat the doomsday monster. Oh and guess what. The Oracle has predicted that not all of us will survive . . . Adapted by Robert Venditti.

2384 Руб.

Шамси Камила Salt and Saffron шамси камила a god in every stone
Шамси Камила Salt and Saffron

The Dard-e-Dils are characterised by their prominent clavicles and love of stories. Aliya may not have inherited her family's patrician looks, but she is prey to their legends that stretch back to the days of Timur Lang. There is a sting to most of these tales, for the Dard-e-Dils consider themselves cursed by their 'not-quite' twins. Amidst her growing attraction to a boy from the wrong side of the tracks, Aliya begins to believe that she is another 'not-quite' twin, linked to her scandalous aunt Mariam in a way that hardly bodes well..

Charman Katrina The Whispering Oak шамси камила a god in every stone
Charman Katrina The Whispering Oak

Travel along with Tag, Skyla, and Blaze as they continue their search for the Ember Stone, in this series full of adventure, powerful dark magic, and fantasy! Pick a book. Grow a Reader! This series is part of Scholastic's early chapter book line, Branches, aimed at newly independent readers. With easy-to-read text, high-interest content, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina. Branches books help readers grow! In the third book in this page-turning series, Tag, Skyla, and Blaze journey to the Whispering Oak in search of the next piece of the Ember Stone. There, they find strange creatures called grumblebees. But where is the magical stone? Thorn's dark magic continues to spread. If Tag and his friends don't find all of the pieces soon, Perodia will be destroyed! This action-packed series makes a great introduction to fantasy and quest stories for younger readers. Realistic black-and-white artwork appears on every page!

1184 Руб.

Janulis Klint Stone Age шамси камила a god in every stone
Janulis Klint Stone Age

Bring the Stone Age back to life with DKfindout! Find out how early humans hunted a woolly mammoth, made fire, and created cave paintings in this fascinating book for children about the Stone Age. DKfindout! Stone Age is a fun, trivia and activity-filled book that teaches children between 6 and 9 years old all about the Iron Age, Bronze Age, and the Ice Ages, too. Step into the Stone Age and discover: - Content suitable for ages 6-9, and a great learning resource for KS2 History - Covering everything from the clothes they wore, the tools they would use, and the foods they would eat to give kids an understanding of how life would have been in the Stone Age - Easy to read texts, and stunning visual elements available on every page - Includes a fun quiz and additional activities to help children absorb key facts in an engaging way - Written in conjunction with educational experts to make sure the information is trustworthy and age-appropriate

1720 Руб.

Martin George R. R. A Dance With Dragons. Part 1. Dreams and Dust шамси камила a god in every stone
Martin George R. R. A Dance With Dragons. Part 1. Dreams and Dust

In the aftermath of a colossal battle, new threats are emerging from every direction. To the north lies the great Wall of ice and stone - a structure only as strong as those guarding it. Jon Snow has been elected Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. But Jon has enemies both inside and beyond the Wall. And in the east Daenerys Targaryen struggles to hold a city built on dreams and dust.

1008 Руб.

KitchenCraft 27cm Cast Iron Black Steel Baking Stone шамси камила a god in every stone
KitchenCraft 27cm Cast Iron Black Steel Baking Stone
Бренд: KitchenCraft

Traditional cooking and the kind of taste it imparts to your dishes are incomparable to any modern-day cooking gadget. Cast iron is believed to be one of the best materials to cook your food in. Be it in terms of health benefits or taste enhancement, cast iron is the best and the most popular worldwide. Hence, we bring to you the kitchencraft baking stone which is 27 centimetres cast iron plate that makes traditional baking a part of your kitchen. This product is a must have in your kitchen if you are someone who enjoys trying new things in the world of culinary. Why to buy the KitchenCraft 27cm Cast Iron Black Steel Baking Stone? This cast iron baking stone spreads the heat evenly throughout the place which makes your baking perfect. Which helps in making sure that you have the perfect base every time you are baking something on it. It also reduces hot spots like in pans or other utensils where we see that at a certain place the food is getting burnt. It is also oven safe, which means you have the liberty to use in your microwave as well. Taking care of it and cleaning it is also simple, all you need to do it wipe it clean using some oil and then keep it wrapped in a tissue paper to ensure that it is not getting rusted. What can you make on the KitchenCraft 27cm Cast Iron Black Steel Baking Stone? This is a versatile cast iron baking stone and you can use it to make a lot of interesting dishes. You can bake perfectly cooked pizzas on this stone. Also, if you love pancakes for breakfast, this stone is going to make life simple for you and you will enjoy delicious pancakes every morning. If at times you wish to savour some cookies or biscuits, you can bake them as well on this baking stone. This amazing baking stone comes with a warranty of 12 months. So, what are you wating for? Get your KitchenCraft 27cm Cast Iron Black Steel Baking Stone today! (1). Absorbs moisture. (2). Spreads heat evenly. (3). Highly durable. (4). All in one-you can bake and serve in this. (5). Easy to clean. (6). Ideal for making breads.

My First Book of... Bible Stories & Prayers шамси камила a god in every stone
My First Book of... Bible Stories & Prayers

A first book of Bible stories will be a treasured gift and this delightful collection contains both Old and New Testament stories, along with a special selection of prayers for young children to say aloud. Every occasion in a child's day is remembered and used to show the presence of God in our daily lives. Beautiful colour illustrations have been carefully selected from the work of Margaret Tarrant and Harry G.Theaker, leading children's illustrators of the 1920s and 1930s.

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