annie s homegrown pasta

Annie's Homegrown, Pasta & Cheese, Penne & Four Cheese, 156 г (5,5 унции) annie s homegrown pasta
Annie's Homegrown, Pasta & Cheese, Penne & Four Cheese, 156 г (5,5 унции)
Бренд: Annie's Homegrown

Описание Сертификат Rabbit of ApprovalИзготовлено из органической пастыНастоящий сыр!Цельнозерновые: более 8 г в 1 порцииРекомендуется употреблять не менее 48 г цельнозерновых культур в деньОрганический состав сертифицирован Oregon TilthМы работаем с заслуживающими доверия поставщиками, которые поставляют только ингредиенты, не содержащие ГМОСделано с заботой.Без искусственных ароматизаторов и синтетических красителейИзготовлено из сыра от коров, не получавших рекомбинантный бычий соматотропин (р-БСТ)*Жизнь лучше, когда это вкусно. Поэтому мы добавляем вкусную еду в каждый кусочек. Мы используем цельный настоящий сыр и качественные ингредиенты для создания невероятных сливочных макарон и сыра. Это наш способ поделиться радостью с каждым. Annie's, сделано с любовью.* Существенной разницы между молоком коров, получавших р-БСТ и не получавших его, не обнаружено. Рекомендации по применению Вкуснятина через 10 минут.1) В средней кастрюле вскипятите 6 стаканов воды. 2) Добавьте пасту и варите 8–10 минут до готовности, периодически помешивая.3) Слейте воду из пасты в дуршлаг. Пока сливаются макароны ... 4) Добавьте 1/2 стакана нежирного МОЛОКА в теплую кастрюлю. Добавьте 2 ст. л. несоленого сливочного масла для получения более насыщенного вкуса.5) Посыпьте молоком сыр, перемешайте. 6) Добавьте приготовленные макароны и хорошо перемешайте. Приятного аппетита! Ингредиенты Лучшие ингредиенты: органические макароны (органическая пшеничная мука, органическая цельнозерновая пшеничная мука), чеддер, пармезан, сыры Монтерей Джек (кисломолочное пастеризованное, соль, ферменты растительного происхождения), кукурузный крахмал, сыворотка, сыр рикотта (сыворотка, сливочное масло (пастеризованные сливки, соль, обезжиренное молоко, молочная кислота, соль), соль, обезжиренное молоко, сливочное масло (пастеризованные сливки, соль), пастеризованное цельное молоко, фосфат натрия, экстракт аннато (краситель), луковый порошок, белый перец, диоксид кремния (для предотвращения слеживания).Содержит пшеницу и молочные ингредиенты. Предупреждения Хранить в сухом и прохладном месте. Пищевая ценностьРазмер порции: 62 г сухой смесиПорций в упаковке: 2,5 Сухая смесьВ готовом видеКалории230250 Количество в 1 порции% от суточной нормы**% от суточной нормы**Всего жиров3 г *4 %5%Насыщенные жиры2 г9%9%Трансжиры0 г Холестерин10 мг3%3%Натрий460 мг20%21%Всего углеводов43 г16%17%Пищевая клетчатка3 г12%12%Всего сахара3 г Содержание добавленного сахара0 г0%0%Белки9 г Витамин D0 мкг0%0%Кальций90 мг6%10%Железо0,9 мг6%6%Калий180 мг4%6%Тиамин0,1 мг10%10%* Количество в сухой смеси. При приготовлении из 3 столовых ложек обезжиренного молока одна порция содержит 4 г жиров (2,5 г насыщенных жиров), 10 мг холестерина, 400 мг натрия, 49 г углеводов (5 г сахара), 11 г белка, 140 мг кальция и 260 мг калия. ** Процент от суточной нормы указывает, какая доля от ежедневной нормы потребления питательного вещества содержится в одной порции. Рекомендация употреблять 2000 калор...

La Bio Idea Organic Basilico Pasta Sauce 340g annie s homegrown pasta
La Bio Idea Organic Basilico Pasta Sauce 340g

340g The Pasta Sauce Basilico 340g is a delicate blend of various ingredients that surely enhances the taste of homemade pasta. adding a few spoons of this smooth sauce into the boiled pasta, you can enhance both its taste and aura. This sauce gives an authentic Italian pasta flavour at home. You can instantly prepare classic-style pasta adding this sauce to the boiled pasta. This culinary paste has no artificial colour and preservatives. Ingredients: Tomatoes *, Extra virgin olive oil, Onion *, Salt, Carrot *, Basil *, Celery *. * Organic

La Bio Idea Pasta Sauce Arrabiata 340g annie s homegrown pasta
La Bio Idea Pasta Sauce Arrabiata 340g

340g Make restaurant-style pasta at home adding this Pasta Sauce Arrabiata 340g. This pasta sauce adds a unique flavour to your homemade pasta. Its spicy yet tangy taste is a perfect treat for the spicy food lovers. This sauce has a blend of exotic herbs that adds a rich and smooth texture in your pasta. No preservatives are added in this Arrabiata sauce. If you are preparing pasta with this sauce, no additional flavours are required with it. Ingredients: Tomatoes *, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Red Pepper *, Salt, Garlic *, Parsley *, and Chili *. * Organic

Annie's Homegrown, Bunny Pasta, паста в форме кролика и вкусный чеддер, 170 г (6 унций) annie s homegrown pasta
Annie's Homegrown, Bunny Pasta, паста в форме кролика и вкусный чеддер, 170 г (6 унций)
Бренд: Аннис Хоумгроун

Пищевая ценность Размер порции: 71 г (2,5 унции) Порций в упаковке: прибл. 2,5 2,5 унции сухой смеси 1 чашка приготовлена Калории 260 360 Количество в 1 порции % от суточной нормы** % от суточной нормы** Всего жиров 3 г * 4% 16% Насыщенные жиры 1,5 г 7% 37% Трансжиры 0 г Холестерин 5 мг 2% 11% Натрий 480 мг 21% 21% Всего углеводов 51 г 19% 19% Пищевая клетчатка 2 г 7% 7% Всего сахара 6 г Содержит добавленный сахар 0 г 0% 0% Белки 9 Витамин D 0 мкг 0% 0% Кальций 90 мг 8% 8% Железо 1 мг 6% 6% Калий 240 мг 6% 6% Тиамин 0,1 мг 10% 10% * Количество в сухой смеси. Одна порция содержит 3 ст. Л. Обезжиренного молока и 2 ст. Л. Несоленого масла. В одной порции содержится 13 г жиров (7 г насыщенных жиров), 35 мг холестерина, 490 мг натрия, 52 г углеводов (7 г сахара), 120 мг кальция. и 270 мг калия. ** Процент от суточной нормы указывает, сколько питательных веществ содержится в ежедневном рационе. Рекомендация употреблять 2000 калорий в день имеет общий характер. Rabbit of Approval Изготовлено из органической пасты Вкуснее, чем когда-либо * Сливочный Более приятный вкус Та же самая честная еда Сделано из настоящего сыра Органический состав сертифицирован Oregon Tilth Не менее 8 г цельнозерновых культур на порцию Употребляйте не менее 48 г цельнозерновых культур в деньДорогой друг, В честь почти 30-летия компании Mac & Боже мой, мы сделали все возможное, чтобы сделать его лучше. В этом духе наш Mac & Мастера сыра отправились обратно на кухню, чтобы попробовать еще вкусняшки. После сотен порций и лизания мы разработали более насыщенный и ароматный рецепт. Улучшена текстура даже лапши! Однако вы заметите, что одно остается неизменным - мы стремимся никогда не использовать ГМО, искусственные ароматизаторы, синтетические красители и консерванты.Каждый день мы получаем письма от родителей и детей, которые любят нашу честную еду. У нас даже есть доска объявлений, где мы публикуем наши любимые! Когда наша команда нашла способ сделать наш рецепт еще более вкусным, мы думали о вас и ваших письмах. Так что сделайте миску и расскажите нам, что вы думаете!Пока, все мы у Энни* Вкуснее, чем в предыдущем рецепте

Anch Pasta MACARONI 400g annie s homegrown pasta
Anch Pasta MACARONI 400g
Бренд: Anch

Introducing the exquisite Макароны Anch Pasta 400gr, a premium pasta offering that promises to elevate your dining experience. Crafted with the finest durum wheat semolina, these pasta strands are expertly shaped and dried to perfection, ensuring a delightful al dente texture when cooked. Each 400-gram pack contains an abundance of pasta, making it an ideal choice for preparing hearty and satisfying meals for family and friends. Макароны Anch Pasta is a versatile addition to any kitchen, providing endless culinary possibilities. Whether youre creating classic Italian dishes such as spaghetti aglio e olio or indulging in creamy pasta bakes, these pasta strands are the perfect foundation for your culinary creations. Their firm texture and ability to hold sauces make them a go-to choice for pasta enthusiasts and home cooks alike. The 400-gram pack size offers great value and ensures that you have an ample supply of high-quality pasta on hand whenever inspiration strikes. Whether youre stocking up for regular family meals or preparing for a special gathering, this generous pack has you covered. The sleek packaging also makes it an excellent addition to gift baskets or care packages for pasta lovers. When you choose Макароны Anch Pasta, youre selecting a product that embodies superior quality and taste. Elevate your dining experience with these delectable pasta strands, and savor the authentic flavors of Italy in every bite. Dont miss the opportunity to enhance your culinary repertoire with this exceptional offering. Purchase Макароны Anch Pasta 400gr today and treat yourself to the pleasure of premium pasta.

Divella / Fusilli integrali, Pasta, 500 g annie s homegrown pasta
Divella / Fusilli integrali, Pasta, 500 g
Бренд: Divella

Indulge in the wholesome goodness of this 500g pack of Fusilli integrali pasta from Divella. Made from 100% whole wheat durum semolina, this pasta is rich in fiber and nutrients, making it a healthy choice for any meal. The spiral shape of the Fusilli pasta is perfect for holding onto sauces and ingredients, ensuring every bite is full of flavor. Whether youre cooking up a classic pasta dish or experimenting with new recipes, this pasta is sure to impress. Its easy to cook and ready in just minutes, making it a convenient choice for busy weeknights. Elevate your pasta game with Divella Fusilli integrali Pasta and experience the true taste of Italy in your own kitchen.

Finger Millet Pasta 175 g annie s homegrown pasta
Finger Millet Pasta 175 g

Finger millet pasta is a type of pasta that is made from finger millet flour, also known as ragi flour. Finger millet (Eleusine coracana) is an ancient grain widely grown in Africa and Asia. It is highly nutritious and is known for its rich content of dietary fiber, protein, and minerals. To make finger millet pasta, the finger millet flour is mixed with water and sometimes other ingredients like eggs or additional flours, depending on the recipe. The dough is then kneaded and rolled out into thin sheets, which are cut into various pasta shapes like spaghetti, penne, or fusilli. These pasta shapes can be cooked and prepared in a similar way to traditional wheat-based pasta. Finger millet pasta is a popular alternative for people who are looking for gluten-free options or who want to incorporate more whole grains into their diet. It has a slightly nutty flavor and a unique texture compared to regular pasta. It can be enjoyed with a variety of sauces, vegetables, or meat, just like any other pasta dish. Due to its nutritional profile, finger millet pasta is considered a healthier alternative to conventional pasta, as it is higher in fiber, protein, and certain minerals. It is a good source of calcium, iron, and antioxidants. Overall, finger millet pasta offers a nutritious and gluten-free option for pasta lovers while adding variety to their diet.

Anch Vermicelli Pasta 400g annie s homegrown pasta
Anch Vermicelli Pasta 400g
Бренд: Anch

Introducing the delightful Vermicelli Anch Pasta 400g, a premium pasta option that promises to elevate your dining experience. Made from the finest durum wheat semolina, these delicate vermicelli strands are expertly shaped and dried to perfection, ensuring a delightful al dente texture when cooked. Each 400g pack contains an abundance of pasta, making it an ideal choice for creating hearty and satisfying meals for family and friends. Vermicelli Anch Pasta is a versatile addition to any kitchen, providing endless culinary possibilities. Whether youre crafting classic Italian dishes such as pasta primavera or indulging in creamy pasta salads, these delicate strands are the perfect foundation for your culinary creations. Their ability to absorb flavors and hold sauces makes them a go-to choice for pasta enthusiasts and home cooks alike. The 400g pack size offers great value and ensures that you have an ample supply of high-quality pasta on hand whenever inspiration strikes. Whether youre stocking up for regular family meals or preparing for a special gathering, this generous pack has you covered. The sleek packaging also makes it an excellent addition to gift baskets or care packages for pasta lovers. When you choose Vermicelli Anch Pasta, youre selecting a product that embodies superior quality and taste. Elevate your dining experience with these delectable pasta strands, and savor the authentic flavors of Italy in every bite. Dont miss the opportunity to enhance your culinary repertoire with this exceptional offering. Purchase Vermicelli Anch Pasta 400g today and treat yourself to the pleasure of premium pasta.

Stephen King. Misery annie s homegrown pasta
Stephen King. Misery
Бренд: Республика

Paul Sheldon is a bestselling novelist who has finally met his number one fan. Her name is Annie Wilkes, and she is more than a rabid reader—she is Paul's nurse, tending his shattered body after an automobile accident. But she is also furious that the author has killed off her favorite character in his latest book. Annie becomes his captor, keeping him prisoner in her isolated house. Annie wants Paul to write a book that brings Misery back to life—just for her. She has a lot of ways to spur him on. One is a needle. Another is an axe. And if they don't work, she can get really nasty.

1990 Руб.

Now Slim Diet Spaghetti 200G annie s homegrown pasta
Now Slim Diet Spaghetti 200G
Бренд: Now Slim

Now Slim Diet Pasta contain less than 6 calories per 100g serving! By switching from normal Pasta to Now Slim Diet Pasta it is possible to save up to 350 calories per meal! Celebrities, nutritionists, and fitness trainers are quickly recognising Now Slim Diet Pasta due to their super low calorie content. When cooked with your favourite sauce or stir fry they taste great! As well as containing fewer than 6 calories per serving, Now Slim Diet Pasta have a number of other benefits including: • Carbohydrate Free. • Fat Free. • Sugar Free. • Gluten Free.

Roddy Rachel An A-Z of Pasta. Stories, Shapes, Sauces, Recipes annie s homegrown pasta
Roddy Rachel An A-Z of Pasta. Stories, Shapes, Sauces, Recipes

Sometimes cookbooks aren't just cookbooks. Exquisitely designed, beautifully written and featuring mouth-watering photography, this gorgeous tome from Guardian columnist and award-winning food writer Rachel Roddy is perfect for pasta lovers! Guardian columnist and award-winning food writer Rachel Roddy condenses everything she has learned about Italy's favourite food in a practical, easy-to-use and mouth-watering collection of 100 essential pasta and pasta sauce recipes. Along with the recipes are short essays that weave together the history, culture and the everyday life of pasta shapes from the tip to the toe of Italy. There is pasta made with water, and pasta with egg; shapes made by hand and those rolled a by machine; the long and the short; the rolled and the stretched; the twisted and the stuffed; the fresh and the dried. The A-Z of Pasta tells you how to match pasta shapes with sauces, and how to serve them. The recipes range from the familiar - pesto, ragu and carbonara - to the unfamiliar (but thrilling). This is glorious celebration of pasta from one of the best food writers of our time.

8350 Руб.

Vetri M., Joachim D. Mastering Pasta: The Art and Practice of Handmade Pasta, Gnocchi, and Risotto annie s homegrown pasta
Vetri M., Joachim D. Mastering Pasta: The Art and Practice of Handmade Pasta, Gnocchi, and Risotto

Award-winning chef Marc Vetri wanted to write his first book about pasta. Instead, he wrote two other acclaimed cookbooks and continued researching pasta for ten more years. Now, the respected master of Italian cuisine finally shares his vast knowledge of pasta, gnocchi, and risotto in this inspiring, informative primer featuring expert tips and techniques, and more than 100 recipes. Vetri's personal stories of travel and culinary discovery in Italy appear alongside his easy-to-follow, detailed explanations of how to make and enjoy fresh handmade pasta. Whether you're a home cook or a professional, you'll learn how to make more than thirty different types of pasta dough, from versatile egg yolk dough, to extruded semolina dough, to a variety of flavored pastas--and form them into shapes both familiar and unique. In dishes ranging from classic to innovative, Vetri shares his coveted recipes for stuffed pastas, baked pastas, and pasta sauces. He also shows you how to make light-as-air gnocchi and the perfect dish of risotto. Loaded with useful information, including the best way to cook and sauce pasta, suggestions for substituting pasta shapes, and advance preparation and storage notes, Mastering Pasta offers you all of the wisdom of a pro. For cooks who want to take their knowledge to the next level, Vetri delves deep into the science of various types of flour to explain pasta's uniquely satisfying texture and how to craft the very best pasta by hand or with a machine. Mastering Pasta is the definitive work on the subject and the only book you will ever need to serve outstanding pasta dishes in your own kitchen.

1984 Руб.

Vetri M., Joachim D. Mastering Pasta: The Art and Practice of Handmade Pasta, Gnocchi, and Risotto annie s homegrown pasta
Vetri M., Joachim D. Mastering Pasta: The Art and Practice of Handmade Pasta, Gnocchi, and Risotto

Award-winning chef Marc Vetri wanted to write his first book about pasta. Instead, he wrote two other acclaimed cookbooks and continued researching pasta for ten more years. Now, the respected master of Italian cuisine finally shares his vast knowledge of pasta, gnocchi, and risotto in this inspiring, informative primer featuring expert tips and techniques, and more than 100 recipes. Vetri's personal stories of travel and culinary discovery in Italy appear alongside his easy-to-follow, detailed explanations of how to make and enjoy fresh handmade pasta. Whether you're a home cook or a professional, you'll learn how to make more than thirty different types of pasta dough, from versatile egg yolk dough, to extruded semolina dough, to a variety of flavored pastas--and form them into shapes both familiar and unique. In dishes ranging from classic to innovative, Vetri shares his coveted recipes for stuffed pastas, baked pastas, and pasta sauces. He also shows you how to make light-as-air gnocchi and the perfect dish of risotto. Loaded with useful information, including the best way to cook and sauce pasta, suggestions for substituting pasta shapes, and advance preparation and storage notes, Mastering Pasta offers you all of the wisdom of a pro. For cooks who want to take their knowledge to the next level, Vetri delves deep into the science of various types of flour to explain pasta's uniquely satisfying texture and how to craft the very best pasta by hand or with a machine. Mastering Pasta is the definitive work on the subject and the only book you will ever need to serve outstanding pasta dishes in your own kitchen.

1984 Руб.

Divella / Penne ziti rigate integrali, Pasta, 500 g annie s homegrown pasta
Divella / Penne ziti rigate integrali, Pasta, 500 g
Бренд: Divella

Indulge in the wholesome goodness of Divella Penne Ziti Rigate Integrali Pasta. Made from 100% whole wheat durum semolina, this pasta is rich in fiber and nutrients, making it a healthy choice for any meal. The penne ziti rigate shape is perfect for capturing all the flavors of your favorite sauces and ingredients, while the texture is just right for a satisfying bite. Whether youre cooking up a classic pasta dish or experimenting with new recipes, this pasta is sure to impress. Its easy to cook and ready in just minutes, making it a convenient choice for busy weeknights. Elevate your pasta game with Divella Penne Ziti Rigate Integrali Pasta and experience the true taste of Italy in your own kitchen.

Veeba Pasta and Pizza Sauce - No Onion, No Garlic 400 g annie s homegrown pasta
Veeba Pasta and Pizza Sauce - No Onion, No Garlic 400 g

Veeba Pasta and Pizza Sauce is the perfect way to elevate your pasta or pizza game! Made with carefully selected ingredients, our sauce is bursting with flavor and texture. Best of all, it’s made without onions or garlic, so you can enjoy the full flavor of your dish without the pungent aftertaste. Our sauce is perfect for pasta dishes such as spaghetti, lasagna, or fettucine, as well as pizza, calzone, and other baked goods. So, whether you’re looking for a new favorite pasta sauce or want to change up your pizza night, give Veeba Pasta and Pizza Sauce a try!

Annie Leibovitz. Annie Leibovitz annie s homegrown pasta
Annie Leibovitz. Annie Leibovitz
Бренд: Республика

40 лет определяющей эпоху фотографии, теперь в доступном издании. Когда Бенедикт Ташен попросил самого известного фотографа-портретиста, работающего сегодня, Энни Лейбовиц, собрать ее фотографии в книгу размером с SUMO, она была заинтригована этой задачей. На разработку проекта ушло несколько лет, и когда он был наконец опубликован в 2014 году, он весил 26 кг (57 фунтов). Эта невероятная коллекция теперь доступна в доступном книжном формате XXL.Лейбовиц проработала более 40 лет, начиная с фотожурналистики, которую она делала для журнала Rolling Stone в 1970-х, и заканчивая концептуальными портретами, которые она делала для Vanity Fair и Vogue. Она выбрала знаковые изображения, такие как Джон Леннон и Йоко Оно, сплетающиеся в последнем объятии, а также портреты, которые редко, если вообще когда-либо, видели раньше. SUMO Энни Лейбовиц освещала политическую и культурную историю, от королевы Елизаветы II и Ричарда Никсона до Лори Андерсон и Леди Гаги.«То, о чем я изначально думал как о простом процессе воображения того, что хорошо выглядит в большом формате, какие фотографии будут работать в большом формате, стало чем-то другим», — говорит Лейбовиц. «Книга очень личная, но повествование рассказано через популярное.40 years of era-defining photography, now in an accessible edition. When Benedikt Taschen asked the most important portrait photographer working today, Annie Leibovitz, to collect her pictures in a SUMO-sized book, she was intrigued by the challenge. The project took several years to develop and when it was finally published in 2014, it weighed in at 26 kg (57 pounds). This incredible collection is now available in an accessible XXL book format. Leibovitz drew on more than 40 years of work, starting with the photojournalism she did for Rolling Stone magazine in the 1970s through the conceptual portraits she made for Vanity Fair and Vogue. She selected iconic images—such as John Lennon and Yoko Ono entwined in a last embrace—as well as portraits that had rarely, if ever, been seen before. The Annie Leibovitz SUMO covered political and cultural history, from Queen Elizabeth II and Richard Nixon to Laurie Anderson and Lady Gaga. “What I had thought of initially as a simple process of imagining what looked good big, what photographs would work in a large format, became something else,” Leibovitz says. “The book is very personal, but the narrative is told through popular.

19100 Руб.


Каталог товаров:

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