bachelard gaston the poetics of space

Bachelard Gaston The Poetics of Space bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Bachelard Gaston The Poetics of Space

Beloved and contemplated by philosophers, architects, writers, and literary theorists alike, Bachelard's lyrical, landmark work examines the places in which we place our conscious and unconscious thoughts and guides us through a stream of cerebral meditations on poetry, art, and the blooming of consciousness itself. Houses and rooms; cellars and attics; drawers, chests and wardrobes; nests and shells; nooks and corners: no space is too vast or too small to be filled by our thoughts and our reveries. With an introduction by acclaimed philosopher Richard Kearney and a foreword by author Mark Z. Danielewski.

3101 Руб.

Bachelard G. The Poetics of Space bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Bachelard G. The Poetics of Space

Beloved and contemplated by philosophers, architects, writers, and literary theorists alike, Bachelard's lyrical, landmark work examines the places in which we place our conscious and unconscious thoughts and guides us through a stream of cerebral meditations on poetry, art, and the blooming of consciousness itself. Houses and rooms; cellars and attics; drawers, chests and wardrobes; nests and shells; nooks and corners: no space is too vast or too small to be filled by our thoughts and our reveries. With an introduction by acclaimed philosopher Richard Kearney and a foreword by author Mark Z. Danielewski.

Bachelard G. The Poetics of Space bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Bachelard G. The Poetics of Space

Beloved and contemplated by philosophers, architects, writers, and literary theorists alike, Bachelard's lyrical, landmark work examines the places in which we place our conscious and unconscious thoughts and guides us through a stream of cerebral meditations on poetry, art, and the blooming of consciousness itself. Houses and rooms; cellars and attics; drawers, chests and wardrobes; nests and shells; nooks and corners: no space is too vast or too small to be filled by our thoughts and our reveries. With an introduction by acclaimed philosopher Richard Kearney and a foreword by author Mark Z. Danielewski.

Bachelard Gaston L'Intuition de l'instant bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Bachelard Gaston L'Intuition de l'instant

La duree intime, c'est toujours la sagesse. Ce qui coordonne le monde, ce ne sont pas les forces du passe, c'est l'harmonie tout en tension que le monde va realiser. On peut parler d'une harmonie preetablie dans les choses, il n'y a d'action que par une harmonie preetablie dans la raison. Toute la force du temps se condense dans l'instant novateur ou la vue se dessille, pres de la fontaine de Siloe, sous le toucher d'un divin redempteur qui nous donne d'un meme geste la joie et la raison, et le moyen d'etre eternel par la verite et la bonte. Gaston Bachelard. Qu'est-ce que le temps ? Que faut-il entendre par « duree », « instant », « moment » ? Y a-t-il un fondement a la realite ? Pour Gaston Bachelard, la verite est avant tout une histoire, une perception du vrai, admise aujourd'hui, niee demain ; le monde est imagine avant d'etre vu et rememore.Un essai limpide, qui est aussi une excellente introduction a une philosophie originale ou le poeme et le theoreme ne s'excluent pas. Un hommage de la pensee a la pensee. Suivi de l'Introduction a la poetique de Bachelard par Jean Lescure.

2006 Руб.

Jenkins Martin Exploring Space bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Jenkins Martin Exploring Space

A fascinating account of space exploration with lavish cross-section illustrations by Stephen Biesty, covering early astronomy, rockets, the Space Race and the future of space-travel. Revisit the story of the Apollo 11 moon landing in time for the 50th anniversary! The extraordinary story of space exploration, from Galileo's telescope to the launch of the International Space Station - and beyond! Martin Jenkins' accessible and wide-ranging narrative covers early astronomy, the history of flight, the Space Race, the day-to-day of astronauts in the International Space Station and the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and considers where future missions might take us. Stephen Biesty's magnificent cross-section illustrations lay bare the intricate workings of space probes and shuttles, the Mars Curiosity Rover, spacesuits and Soyuz rockets. Back matter includes a comprehensive timeline and glossary of terms. With hours' worth of detail to pore over, this is the perfect gift for all space enthusiasts, young or old.

1963 Руб.

Bachelard Gaston L'Eau et les Rêves bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Bachelard Gaston L'Eau et les Rêves

C’est pres de l’eau que j’ai le mieux compris que la reverie est un univers en emanation, un souffle odorant qui sort des choses par l’intermediaire d’un reveur. Si je veux etudier la vie des images de l’eau, il me faut donc rendre leur role dominant a la riviere et aux sources de mon pays. Je suis ne dans un pays de ruisseaux et de rivieres, dans un coin de la Champagne vallonnee, dans le Vallage, ainsi nomme a cause du grand nombre de ses vallons. La plus belle des demeures serait pour moi au creux d’un vallon, au bord d’une eau vive, dans l’ombre courte des saules et des osieres. G. B. A l’ecoute de l’eau et de ses mysteres, Gaston Bachelard entraine son lecteur dans une superbe meditation. Plongee fascinante depuis les surfaces brillantes et claires, ou naissent les images fugitives, jusqu’aux profondeurs obscures, ou gisent mythes et fantasmes.Le texte d’un philosophe eruditmetamorphose en poete.

2297 Руб.

Uncle Gaston bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Uncle Gaston

A story full of family fun and mishaps from the magical world of Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom. Three busy baby ladybirds, Amber, Emerald and Keith, have come to stay with their Uncle Gaston for the day. Can Ben Elf and Princess Holly help Gaston keep them entertained until their parents come back? This beautiful book includes a sound button that plays Gaston's bark, bringing extra-noisy fun to story time!

Cruddas Sarah The Space Race. The Journey to the Moon and Beyond bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Cruddas Sarah The Space Race. The Journey to the Moon and Beyond

Blast off alongside space expert Sarah Cruddas on a ride-along through space exploration history featuring interviews with real Astronauts! This interesting children's space handbook takes you on a journey through the history of space exploration. Unpack space history, its future, and fascinating information on the human exploration of our galaxy. This picture book will answer your kid's planet-sized questions. Suited for space-intrigued 7-9-year-olds who are eager to learn about the galaxy! Eileen Collins, first woman NASA astronaut to command a space shuttle mission, gives a foreword to this incredible book by Sarah Cruddas. Learn about real-life astronauts, including Apollo 17's Eugene Cernan and Virgin Galactic Test Pilot Kelly Latimer, who all give insight into life in space! From Man's dream on Earth about going into space, to a man's first steps on the moon and beyond. Satisfy your interest of space by immersing yourself in first-hand thought-provoking stories and jaw-dropping visuals of this high quality, content-rich educational book. Read about the hidden stories behind the most famous space missions, before embarking on a journey through our space future. Propelled by recent scientific discoveries and printed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing, The Space Race is an essential children's handbook to understanding every aspect of the history, and future, of human space travel. Track Our Incredible Human Journey Through The Cosmos Delve into 50 years of space exploration with Sarah Cruddas, who shares exciting first-hand experiences of real astronauts and milestone events. Explore the future of space exploration and how you can be a part of the next space race. Find out answers to questions like "Do you know who took the first steps on the moon?"; "Will man ever set foot on Mars?"; "Are we alone?" and "What does the future of space travel hold for us?" Let your children explore their own questions with factual content that will leave them captivated and perhaps, who knows, inspire them to become an astronaut too someday? This educational book takes you on a journey through: - History of the race to the moon - Trailblazers in space exploration - The new space race - The future of space innovation

3658 Руб.

Maskell Hazel, Bone Emily Astronomy & Space Sticker Book bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Maskell Hazel, Bone Emily Astronomy & Space Sticker Book

A combination of fascinating reference book and fun sticker challenge, sure to capture the imagination of any child interested in space travel. Each page details a different element of space and astronomy, from the realities of living on the International Space Station to our solar system and what we know about distant space. With over 130 stickers featuring photographs and illustrations of planets, stars, space probes, astronauts and more, children can match each sticker with the right point on each page. An exciting introduction to the wonders of space and astronomy.

1452 Руб.

Behind the Scenes at the Space Station bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Behind the Scenes at the Space Station

Defy gravity with an access-all-areas pass to the spectacular International Space Station with this behind-the-scenes guide to life in space. Have you ever wondered what life is like in the International Space Station? Or whether plants can grow in space? Or how astronauts go to the loo in zero gravity? Or what it feels like to orbit Earth at 17,500 mph? Then this may be the book for you! Revealing a new perspective into the world of space exploration and the daring astronauts who make it possible, Behind the Scenes at the Space Station takes you on a once-in-a-lifetime tour of the International Space Station, as well as other amazing space stations past and present. Learn what it takes to get to space and what astronauts do once they make it there, from experiments to repairs, and so much more! Soar straight into the pages of this all-encompassing space book to explore: -Over 400 exciting behind-the-scenes images showcasing the nooks and crannies of space stations and the work of the crews who call them home -Stunning pictures of life in outer space -Features past and present space stations, including China's Tiangong space station -Profiles the roles of the space station staff in space and back on Earth, such as mission control, astronaut, scientists, and engineers In 2021, more than 23,000 people applied to the European Space Agency hoping to become an astronaut yet just 4-6 positions were available! Behind the Scenes at the Space Station is a treasure trove of information. Did you know that during a 24-hour period, the International Space Station completes 16 orbits of Earth and the astronauts on board see 16 sunrises and sunsets everyday? Or that it is so enormous that it was launched in pieces and constructed in orbit? Brimming with awe-inspiring visuals, step-by-step explanations of everyday astronaut tasks, and job profiles of the adventurous people who make it happen, Behind the Scenes at the Space Station is the perfect way to experience life in space. A rare behind-the-scenes guide to the International Space Station and the work that goes on there, this book will seek to answer any and all questions about living and working in space from everyday tasks to truly miraculous experiences. A must-have volume for Children 9+ who are enthusiastic about space, astronomy, aeronautics, and space exploration as well as parents looking for a gift purchase to answer a curious child's questions about outer space, how astronauts live on space station, and the missions that they carry out!

4134 Руб.

Bannova Olga Space Architecture. Human Habitats Beyond Planet Earth bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Bannova Olga Space Architecture. Human Habitats Beyond Planet Earth

For many, the idea of Space Architecture as a discipline lies in the domain of science fiction, where everything is possible simply because it happens ‘very far in the future’. Is Space Architecture a fiction or reality? This book explores if and how architectural principles and strategies need to be transformed when applied to the extreme conditions of outer space. It presents concepts developed by great minds in the fields of space exploration and science-fiction, ones which can inspire new ways into the future. The book also presents the philosophy of Space Architecture, arguing for example that the design of space habitats needs to be human-centred while defining ways for humans to co-exist in new environments. These views are complemented by examples of architectures from current and planned space missions, organised by private companies as well as government agencies.

3228 Руб.

Bunin I. Dark Avenues bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Bunin I. Dark Avenues

Considered one of the most influential authors of twentieth century Russian Literature, Ivan Bunin's "Dark Avenues" is the culmination of a life's work which unrelentingly questioned of the political doxa whilst taking his poetic mastery of language to dark new heights. Written between 1938 and 1944 and set in the context of a disintegrating Russian culture, this collection of short fiction centres around dark, erotic liaisons told with a rich, elegaic poetics which probes the artistic limits of depicting desire.A prolific writer and fierce political activist, Bunin became the first Russian to win the Nobel prize for Literature in 1933 and was highly influential on his contemporary Russian emigres, Checkov and Nabokov. The "Dark Avenues" is the zenith of his work and one of the most important Russian texts to come out of the twentieth century. . . . . . . . .

Bunin I. Dark Avenues bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Bunin I. Dark Avenues

Considered one of the most influential authors of twentieth century Russian Literature, Ivan Bunin's "Dark Avenues" is the culmination of a life's work which unrelentingly questioned of the political doxa whilst taking his poetic mastery of language to dark new heights. Written between 1938 and 1944 and set in the context of a disintegrating Russian culture, this collection of short fiction centres around dark, erotic liaisons told with a rich, elegaic poetics which probes the artistic limits of depicting desire.A prolific writer and fierce political activist, Bunin became the first Russian to win the Nobel prize for Literature in 1933 and was highly influential on his contemporary Russian emigres, Checkov and Nabokov. The "Dark Avenues" is the zenith of his work and one of the most important Russian texts to come out of the twentieth century. . . . . . . . .

Smith Sam Space bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Smith Sam Space

A rocket-fuelled sticker adventure into the world of space travel – essential for any budding astronaut. Full of amazing scenes to fill with stickers, from a moon exploration mission, base control, the International Space Station and Mars. Each page features snippets of fascinating information about space travel, from how we use satellites to explore space to how astronauts live on the International Space Station. With over 200 stickers of rockets, astronauts, stargazing equipment, space station modules, the Mars rover and more!

Space. A Children's Encyclopedia bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Space. A Children's Encyclopedia

From the Moon, Sun, and planets of our Solar System to space exploration, black holes, and dark matter, this completely revised and updated children's encyclopedia covers all you need to know about the cosmos. The most up-to-date images from space agencies such as NASA and ESA combine with info panels, timelines, interviews, diagrams, and activities you can do at home to help you understand the majesty and wonder of space. Learn about the Space Race, the Apollo Moon Landings, the Voyager craft that first probed the outer planets, the Hubble telescope, and the International Space Station (ISS) - the state-of-the-art laboratory orbiting Earth. Find out about future missions, space tourism, and the latest discoveries in the furthest reaches of our galaxy. Discover how to find constellations and where to look for stars and planets, including Venus and Mars, in the night sky. Learn how galaxies such as our Milky Way were formed. Part of a series of best-selling encyclopedias for children, Space: A Children's Encyclopedia is a rocket ride from the beginning of time to the near future, and from planet Earth out to the furthest reaches of the Universe.

4469 Руб.

Vico Giambattista New Science bachelard gaston the poetics of space
Vico Giambattista New Science

Barely acknowledged in his lifetime, the New Science of Giambattista Vico (1668-1744) is an astonishingly perceptive and ambitious attempt to decipher the history, mythology and laws of the ancient world. Discarding the Renaissance notion of the classical as an idealised model for the modern, it argues that the key to true understanding of the past lies in accepting that the customs and emotional lives of ancient Greeks and Romans, Egyptians, Jews and Babylonians were radically different from our own. Along the way, Vico explores a huge variety of topics, ranging from physics to poetics, money to monsters, and family structures to the Flood. Marking a crucial turning-point in humanist thinking, New Science has remained deeply influential since the dawn of Romanticism, inspiring the work of Karl Marx and even influencing the framework for Joyce's Finnegan's Wake.

3388 Руб.


Каталог товаров:

браслет фэн шуй из обсидиана с камнями и бусинами для мужчин и женщин украшение под золото черный пиксиу богатство и удачу для женщин и му | электрический накопительный водонагреватель zanussi zwh s 30 lorica | рамка на 4 поста efapel 50941 tpl | мамбо сб 2540 1 н комод дуб бунратти дуб бунратти диамант серый | лофт стеллаж сж 001 дуб крафт золотой дуб крафт золотой лдсп | кухонная мойка teka clivo 50 s tq графит металлик 40148011 | сидней сб 2582 зеркало дуб дикий | прихожая полина орех лион коричневый бежевый лдсп | рамка на 2 поста efapel 90920 tgg | стол журнальный серфинг дуб сонома акация | стол журнальный альбано серый мрамор | саманта см7 шкаф угловой дуб седан бежевый лдсп | подставка магнитная настольная для 4 кухонных ножей woodinhome 20х12 5х26см белый дуб | printio часы круглые из дерева часы настенные в коричной оболочке | кухонный гарнитур лофт регина песочный диамант серый дуб дикий 2 4 м | бруклин сб 3249 комод диамант серый | заготовки для значков d58 мм булавка 100 шт | шкаф 3 х дверный саманта дуб седан | poverkhnost domino zigmund shtain mn 13531 b | сборная деревянная модель пистолет резинкострел | бруклин сб 3249 комод дуб винченца | аксессуары для комнаты рв мебель полка дуб молочный | туалетный столик агата дуб седан | скамья флер дуб седан | часы настенные vivid large белые |