bowen rhys naughty in nice

Bowen Rhys Naughty in Nice bowen rhys naughty in nice
Bowen Rhys Naughty in Nice

Royalty has its privileges, even when you're thirty-fourth in line to the throne, as Lady Georgiana Rannoch discovers on the glamorous - and dangerous - French Riviera . . . Why should my clueless brother, Binky, and his decidedly disagreeable wife, Fig, be the only ones to enjoy the fun and sun of the French Riviera? Thankfully, Her Majesty the Queen has once again come to my rescue. She is sending me off to Nice with a secret assignment - recover her priceless, stolen snuff box from the disreputable Sir Toby Groper. Her Majesty's trust is an honour, but an even greater honour is bestowed upon me in Nice - none other than Coco Chanel herself asks me to model her latest fashion. Unfortunately, things go disastrously wrong on the catwalk and before I can snatch the snuff box, someone's life is snuffed out in a very dastardly way. With a murderer on the loose - and my dearest Darcy seen in the company of another woman - how's a girl to find any time to go to the casino?

1911 Руб.

Bowen Rhys Royal Blood bowen rhys naughty in nice
Bowen Rhys Royal Blood

Thirty-fourth in line to the throne - and England's poorest heiress - Lady Georgiana finds herself in a truly draining state of affairs... With my hateful brother Binky in town, I've been desperately seeking an escape. To my delight, it comes in the form of an invitation from the Queen to represent the royals at a wedding in Transylvania-legendary home of vampires. I soon realise why I was the one honoured with such an invitation. The bride, Princess Maria Theresa, happens to be my old school chum, Matty. But my stay in her macabre-looking castle turns unnerving when I find dear Matty with blood running down her chin. Then, during the ceremony, a prominent wedding guest is poisoned. Something must be done lest the nuptial festivities go to ruin, or, worse yet, the couple's vows become: to love and to cherish, till undeath do us part...

2058 Руб.

Bowen Rhys Her Royal Spyness bowen rhys naughty in nice
Bowen Rhys Her Royal Spyness

Lady Victoria Georgiana Charlotte Eugenie, 34th in line for the throne, is flat broke. She's bolted Scotland, her greedy brother, and her fish-faced betrothed for London. The place where she'll experience freedom, learn life lessons aplenty, do a bit of spying for HRH - oh, and find a dead Frenchman in her tub. Now her new job is to clear her long family name.

2052 Руб.

Bowen Rhys Queen of Hearts bowen rhys naughty in nice
Bowen Rhys Queen of Hearts

Lady Georgiana Rannoch, thirty-fifth in line for the British throne, knows how to play the part of an almost royal - but now she's off to Hollywood, where she must reprise her role as sleuth or risk starring in an all-too-convincing death scene . . . My mother, the glamorous and much-married actress, is hearing wedding bells once again - which is why she must hop across the pond for a quickie divorce in Reno. To offer my moral support, and since all expenses are paid by her new hubby-to-be, Max, I agree to make the voyage with her. Crossing the Atlantic, with adventure in the air and wealthy men aboard, Mother all but forgets about Max and matrimony - especially when movie mogul Cy Goldman insists on casting her in his next picture. Meanwhile, I find myself caught up in the secret investigation of a suspected jewel thief. Lucky for me, the lead investigator happens to be my dashing beau, Darcy! Mother's movie and Darcy's larceny lead everyone to Cy's Hollywood home, where the likes of Charlie Chaplin are hanging about and there's enough romantic intrigue to fill a double feature. But we hardly get a chance to work out the sleeping arrangements before Cy turns up dead - as if there wasn't enough drama already . . .

2058 Руб.

Bowen Rhys A Royal Pain bowen rhys naughty in nice
Bowen Rhys A Royal Pain

1930s London. Poor Lady Georgiana - thirty-fourth in line to the throne - has nothing to serve her Bavarian princess houseguest, even though the Queen of England has requested that she entertain her. Then there's the matter of the body in the bookshop and the princess's unwitting involvement with the Communist party. It's enough to drive a girl mad.

2052 Руб.

Bowen Rhys Crowned and Dangerous bowen rhys naughty in nice
Bowen Rhys Crowned and Dangerous

Lady Georgiana Rannoch knows nothing is simple when you're thirty-fifth in line for the British crown, but her upcoming marriage proves to be the ultimate complication in the tenth mystery in the New York Times bestselling Royal Spyness series. As Lady Georgiana's beloved Darcy drives her out of London, she soon discovers that he isn't planning to introduce her to the pleasures of sinning in secret-as she had hoped-but to make her his wife! Of course, she'll need special permission from the king to marry a Roman Catholic. Though he will inherit a title, Darcy is as broke as Georgie. Even his family's Irish castle has been sold to a rich American who now employs his father. Nothing will deter them from their mission - except perhaps the news that Georgie's future father-in-law has just been arrested for murdering the rich American. With the elopement postponed, they head for Ireland, where the suspect insists he's innocent, and it's up to them to prove it - for better or worse.

2052 Руб.

Bowen Rhys Heirs and Graces bowen rhys naughty in nice
Bowen Rhys Heirs and Graces

As thirty-fifth in line for the throne, Lady Georgiana Rannoch may not be the most sophisticated young woman, but she knows her table manners. It's forks on the left, knives on the right, not in His Majesty's back. Here I am thinking the education I received at my posh Swiss finishing school would never come in handy. And while it hasn't landed me a job, or a husband, it has convinced Her Majesty the Queen, and the Dowager Duchess to enlist my help. I have been entrusted with grooming Jack Altringham, the Duke's newly discovered heir fresh from the Outback of Australia, for high society. The upside is I am to live in luxury at one of England's most gorgeous stately homes. But upon arrival at Kingsdowne Place, my dearest Darcy has been sent to fetch Jack, leaving me stuck in a manor full of miscreants, none of whom are too pleased with the discovery of my new ward. And no sooner has the lad been retrieved than the Duke announces he wants to choose his own heir. With the house in a hubbub over the news, Jack's hunting knife somehow finds its way into the Duke's back. Eyes fall, backs turn, and fingers point to the young heir. As if the rascal wasn't enough of a handful, now he's suspected of murder. Jack may be wild, but I'd bet the crown jewels it wasn't he who killed the Duke

2210 Руб.

Munro Alice, Mantel Hilary, Kavan Anna The Story. Loss. Great Short Stories for Women by Women bowen rhys naughty in nice
Munro Alice, Mantel Hilary, Kavan Anna The Story. Loss. Great Short Stories for Women by Women

'I think few of the stories in Loss will leave readers cold...' Victoria Hislop, bestselling author and champion of the short story, has chosen her favourite short stories by women writers. Here are prizewinners, famous wits, well-known feminists, national treasures and rising stars. All the stories in this volume are about loss: lost lives, lost loves, lost innocence, even a lost leopard. The many ways in which loss touches our lives are shown in these varied stories. Contributors: Katherine Mansfield, Elizabeth Bowen, Dorothy Parker, Shirley Jackson, Flannery O'Connor, Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Rhys, Anna Kavan, Muriel Spark, Ellen Gilchrist, Penelope Fitzgerald, Lorrie Moore, Hilary Mantel, Susan Hill, Colette Paul, Yiyun Li, Helen Simpson, Edna O'Brien, Edith Pearlman, Emma Donoghue, Carrie Tiffany and Lucy Wood.

2106 Руб.

Bowen Rhys Malice at the Palace bowen rhys naughty in nice
Bowen Rhys Malice at the Palace

Lady Georgiana Rannoch won't deny that being thirty-fifth in line for the British throne has its advantages. Unfortunately, money isn't one of them. And sometimes making ends meet requires her to investigate a little royal wrongdoing. While my beau Darcy is off on a mysterious mission, I am once again caught between my high birth and empty purse. I am therefore relieved to receive a new assignment from the Queen - especially one that includes lodging. The King's youngest son, George, is to wed Princess Marina of Greece, and I shall be her companion at the supposedly haunted Kensington Palace. My duties are simple: help Marina acclimate to English life, show her the best of London and, above all, dispel any rumours about George's libertine history. Perhaps that last bit isn't so simple. George is known for his many affairs with women as well as men - including the great songwriter Noel Coward. But things truly get complicated when I search the Palace for a supposed ghost only to encounter an actual dead person: a society beauty said to have been one of Prince George's mistresses. Nothing spoils a royal wedding more than murder, and the Queen wants the whole matter hushed. But as the investigation unfolds - and Darcy, as always, turns up in the most unlikely of places - the investigation brings us precariously close to the prince himself.

1911 Руб.

Bowen Rhys On Her Majesty's Frightfully Secret Service bowen rhys naughty in nice
Bowen Rhys On Her Majesty's Frightfully Secret Service

Lady Georgiana Rannoch juggles secret missions from the Queen, her beau, and her mother in this mystery in the Royal Spyness series. When royal sleuth Georgie Rannoch receives a letter from her dearest friend Belinda, who's in an Italian villa awaiting the birth of her illegitimate baby, she yearns to run to her side. If only she could find a way to get there! But then opportunity presents itself in a most unexpected way-her cousin the queen asks her to attend a house party in the Italian Lake Country. The Prince of Wales and the dreadful Mrs. Simpson have been invited, and Her Majesty is anxious to thwart a possible secret wedding. What luck! A chance to see Belinda, even if it is under the guise of stopping unwanted nuptials. Only that's as far as Georgie's fortune takes her. She soon discovers that she attended finishing school with the hostess of the party-and the hatred they had for each other then has barely dimmed. Plus, she needs to hide Belinda's delicate condition from the other guests. And her dashing beau, Darcy's (naturally) working undercover on a dangerous mission. Then her actress mother shows up, with a not-so-little task to perform. With all this subterfuge, it seems something is bound to go horribly wrong-and Georgie will no doubt be left to pick up the pieces when it does.

1911 Руб.

Fletcher Tom The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List bowen rhys naughty in nice
Fletcher Tom The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List

The Christmasaurus is back! Get ready for the magical festive adventure from bestselling author, Tom Fletcher! You know about the Naughty List, right? Well, this year, the Christmasaurus is on a mission to track down children who have found themselves on the Naughty List to help them turn naughty to nice! This is a collection of stories about mischievous kids learning the error of their ways, but it's also about sharing the true spirit of Christmas and realising that sometimes things aren't quite as they first appear...

3062 Руб.

Fletcher Tom The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List bowen rhys naughty in nice
Fletcher Tom The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List

The Christmasaurus is back! Get ready for the magical festive adventure from bestselling author Tom Fletcher! You know about the Naughty List, right? Well, this year, the Christmasaurus is on a mission to track down children who have found themselves on the Naughty List to help them turn naughty to nice! This is a collection of stories about mischievous kids learning the error of their ways, but it's also about sharing the true spirit of Christmas and realising that sometimes, things aren't quite as they first appear...

2290 Руб.

Mackintosh Clare The Last Party bowen rhys naughty in nice
Mackintosh Clare The Last Party

On New Year's Eve, Rhys Lloyd has a house full of guests. He's celebrating the success of his lakeside holiday homes, and has generously invited the village to drink champagne with their wealthy new neighbours. By midnight, Rhys will be floating dead in the freezing waters of the lake. On New Year's Day, DC Ffion Morgan has a village full of suspects. She grew up in the tiny community, so the murder suspects are her neighbours, friends and family - and Ffion has her own secrets to protect. With a lie uncovered at every turn, soon the question isn't who wanted Rhys dead . . . but who finally killed him.

3292 Руб.

Bowen Elizabeth Collected Stories bowen rhys naughty in nice
Bowen Elizabeth Collected Stories

Celebrated for her much-admired novels, including The Heat of the Day and The Death of the Heart, Bowen established herself in the front rank of the century's writers equally through her short fiction. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY A. N. WILSON Throughout these seventy-nine stories - love stories, ghost stories, stories of childhood, of English middle-class life in the twenties and thirties, of London during the Blitz - Elizabeth Bowen combines social comedy and reportage, perception and vision in an oeuvre which reveals, as Angus Wilson affirms in his introduction, that 'the instinctive artist is there at the very heart of her work'.

3062 Руб.

Edwards Dorothy My Naughty Little Sister Collection bowen rhys naughty in nice
Edwards Dorothy My Naughty Little Sister Collection

An enchanting collection of stories about the most famous little sister in the world, with the beautiful and iconic illustrations by Shirley Hughes. My Naughty Little Sister is stubborn and greedy and full of mischief. She tries to cut off the cat’s tail and eats all the trifle at Harry’s party! How much bother can one little sister be? This treasure trove of sibling naughtiness contains all five books in the series: My Naughty Little Sister, More Naughty Little Sister Stories, My Naughty Little Sister and Bad Harry, When My Naughty Little Sister Was Good and My Naughty Little Sister’s Friends. My Naughty Little Sister has charmed generations of adults and children alike thanks to Dorothy Edwards’ playful stories and Shirley Hughes’ beautiful illustrations. These best-selling books are perfect for little girls with siblings of their own. A great book for early readers aged 6 and up. Fans of Milly Molly Mandy and Mrs Pepperpot will love My Naughty Little Sister.

1968 Руб.


Каталог товаров:

браслет фэн шуй из обсидиана с камнями и бусинами для мужчин и женщин украшение под золото черный пиксиу богатство и удачу для женщин и му | электрический накопительный водонагреватель zanussi zwh s 30 lorica | рамка на 4 поста efapel 50941 tpl | мамбо сб 2540 1 н комод дуб бунратти дуб бунратти диамант серый | лофт стеллаж сж 001 дуб крафт золотой дуб крафт золотой лдсп | кухонная мойка teka clivo 50 s tq графит металлик 40148011 | сидней сб 2582 зеркало дуб дикий | прихожая полина орех лион коричневый бежевый лдсп | рамка на 2 поста efapel 90920 tgg | стол журнальный серфинг дуб сонома акация | стол журнальный альбано серый мрамор | саманта см7 шкаф угловой дуб седан бежевый лдсп | подставка магнитная настольная для 4 кухонных ножей woodinhome 20х12 5х26см белый дуб | printio часы круглые из дерева часы настенные в коричной оболочке | кухонный гарнитур лофт регина песочный диамант серый дуб дикий 2 4 м | бруклин сб 3249 комод диамант серый | заготовки для значков d58 мм булавка 100 шт | шкаф 3 х дверный саманта дуб седан | poverkhnost domino zigmund shtain mn 13531 b | сборная деревянная модель пистолет резинкострел | бруклин сб 3249 комод дуб винченца | аксессуары для комнаты рв мебель полка дуб молочный | туалетный столик агата дуб седан | скамья флер дуб седан | часы настенные vivid large белые |