bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears

Bradshaw Rita Beyond the Veil of Tears bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Bradshaw Rita Beyond the Veil of Tears

Beyond the Veil of Tears is an inspiring and heartfelt novel of a young woman's struggle to escape a life of exploitation and hardship, by Rita Bradshaw, author of Dancing in the Moonlight. An only child, fifteen-year-old Angeline Stewart is heartbroken when her beloved parents are killed in a coaching accident and she is given into the care of her uncle. Naive and innocent, Angeline is easy prey for the handsome and ruthless Oswald Golding who is looking for a rich heiress to solve the money troubles his gambling and womanizing has caused. On her wedding night, Angeline enters a nightmare from which there is no awakening. Oswald proves to be more sadistic and violent than she could ever have imagined. On learning she is expecting a child, Angeline makes plans to run away and take her chances fending for herself and her baby. But then tragedy takes over…

2035 Руб.

Morgan R. Thin Air bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Morgan R. Thin Air

Hakan Veil is an ex–corporate enforcer equipped with military-grade body tech that’s made him a human killing machine. His former employers have abandoned him on a turbulent Mars where Earth-based overlords battle for profits and power amid a homegrown independence movement. But he’s had enough of the red planet, and all he wants is a ticket back home—which is just what he’s offered by the Earth Oversight organization, in exchange for being the bodyguard for an EO investigator. It’s a beyond-easy gig for a heavy hitter like Veil . . . until it isn’t.When Veil’s charge starts looking into the mysterious disappearance of a lottery winner, it stirs up a hornet’s nest of intrigue and murder. And the deeper Veil is drawn into the game, the more long-buried secrets claw their way to the Martian surface. Now it’s the expert assassin poised against powerful enemies hellbent on taking him down—by any means necessary. .

Morgan R. Thin Air bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Morgan R. Thin Air

Hakan Veil is an ex–corporate enforcer equipped with military-grade body tech that’s made him a human killing machine. His former employers have abandoned him on a turbulent Mars where Earth-based overlords battle for profits and power amid a homegrown independence movement. But he’s had enough of the red planet, and all he wants is a ticket back home—which is just what he’s offered by the Earth Oversight organization, in exchange for being the bodyguard for an EO investigator. It’s a beyond-easy gig for a heavy hitter like Veil . . . until it isn’t.When Veil’s charge starts looking into the mysterious disappearance of a lottery winner, it stirs up a hornet’s nest of intrigue and murder. And the deeper Veil is drawn into the game, the more long-buried secrets claw their way to the Martian surface. Now it’s the expert assassin poised against powerful enemies hellbent on taking him down—by any means necessary. .

Baxter Stephen Origin bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Baxter Stephen Origin

2015: Astronaut Reid Malenfant is flying over the African continent, intent on examining a mysterious glowing construct in Earth's orbit. But when the very fabric of the sky tears open, spilling living creatures to the ground and pulling others inside, including Reid's wife, Emma, his quest to uncover the unknown becomes personal. While desperately searching to discover what happened to the woman he loves, Reid embarks upon an adventure to the very fount of human development . . . on earth and beyond.

2218 Руб.

Bradshaw Rita The Storm Child bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Bradshaw Rita The Storm Child

From the top-ten bestselling author of One Snowy Night, Rita Bradshaw, comes The Storm Child, a sweeping family saga set during the run up to WW2 in the north-east of England. It's mid-winter, and in the throes of a fierce blizzard Elsie Redfern and her husband discover an unknown girl in their hay barn about to give birth. After the young mother dies, Elsie takes the infant in and raises her as her own daughter, her precious storm child. Gina grows into a beautiful little girl, but her safe haven turns out to be anything but. Torn away from her home and family, the child finds herself in a nightmare from which there's no waking, but despite her misery and bewilderment, Gina's determined to survive. Years pass. With womanhood comes the Second World War, along with more heartbreak, grief and betrayal. Then, a new but dangerous love beckons; can Gina ever escape the dark legacy of the storm child?

1808 Руб.

Bradshaw Rita The Winter Rose bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Bradshaw Rita The Winter Rose

From the top-ten bestselling author of One Snowy Night, Rita Bradshaw, comes The Winter Rose, a sweeping family saga set in the north of England. It’s December 1902 and Rose O’Leary is looking forward to her baby girl’s first Christmas. But then tragedy strikes: her husband dies at the shipyard where he works and within days his friend, Nathaniel, makes it plain he’s determined to have her. Rose flees with her child, but soon finds the world is a cruel place for a beautiful woman with no protection. More tragedy ensues and yet, although she’s bruised and broken, Rose is a fighter. Then, when she least expects it, love enters her life again, but she cannot escape her past and now it threatens not only her happiness but her very life. Will she ever find a safe haven?

1815 Руб.

Rita Red 240 ml bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Rita Red 240 ml

Discover the delicious and refreshing taste of Rita Red drink. You can enjoy the perfect balance of flavor and hydration anytime, anywhere. A 240ml serving contains essential nutrients and antioxidants, making it a healthy and filling choice for your daily routine. Try it now and experience the pure goodness of Rita Red! Experience the refreshing taste of Rita Red Soda in a can. This delicious drink offers the right balance of sweetness and fizz that is sure to quench your thirst. Made from the finest ingredients, every sip is a promise of quality and taste. Whether youre throwing a party, going on a picnic, or just want a refreshing drink on a hot day, Rita Red Soda is the perfect choice. The jars striking design is sure to make it a hit wherever you go. So why wait? Quench your thirst with the high quality taste of Rita Red Soda.

Bradshaw Rita Believing in Tomorrow bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Bradshaw Rita Believing in Tomorrow

Believing in Tomorrow is the new epic family saga from the top ten bestselling author of The Storm Child, Rita Bradshaw. Molly McKenzie is only eleven years old when her abusive father beats her to within an inch of her life. Escaping from the hovel she calls home, Molly is found by kind fisherfolk, sick and near death. With them she experiences the love of a family for the first time and, even though life is hard, she is content. Time passes and Molly’s looking ahead to a future with the boy she loves, but then a terrible tragedy rips her life apart. Once again she’s cast adrift in an uncaring world, but Molly is made of stern stuff and is determined to survive. In the male-dominated society of the early 1900s, Molly has to fight prejudice and hatred, and rejection comes from all sides. Can she hold fast and become the woman she is destined to be?

1815 Руб.

Tolle Eckhart A New Earth bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Tolle Eckhart A New Earth

The 10th anniversary edition of the international bestseller Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth is a cornerstone for personal spirituality and self-improvement, leading readers to a new levels of consciousness and inner peace. Taking off from the introspective work The Power of Now, which was a number one bestseller and has sold millions of copies worldwide, Tolle provides the spiritual framework for people to move beyond themselves in order to make this world a better, more spiritually evolved place to live. Shattering modern ideas of ego and entitlement, self and society, Tolle lifts the veil of fear that has hung over humanity during this new millennium, and shines an illuminating light that leads to happiness and health that every reader can follow.

3668 Руб.

Annand David, Mana Davide, Fischer Jason Secrets in Scarlet. An Arkham Horror Anthology bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Annand David, Mana Davide, Fischer Jason Secrets in Scarlet. An Arkham Horror Anthology

A secret organization ruthlessly seeks power over supernatural terrors in this globe-trotting anthology of arcane mystery and adventure, from the bestselling world of Arkham Horror Beyond our world lies another, one full of paranormal forces and eldritch horrors, and once that membrane has been pierced, life can never be the same again. In every corner of the globe, a secret international organization is seizing objects of extreme supernatural power. They declare themselves defenders of humanity, fighting off the darkness which presses against the veil shrouding our reality from the unknowable. But do their claims of altruism ring true? And should a shadowy cabal be permitted to wield such power alone? From the world of Arkham Horror comes an exciting new anthology that delves into the mysterious Red Coterie and those who seek to stop them. Edited by Charlotte Llewelyn-Wellls.

1829 Руб.

Bradshaw Rita Snowflakes in the Wind bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Bradshaw Rita Snowflakes in the Wind

Snowflakes in the Wind is a heartwarming story of triumph over adversity by Rita Bradshaw, author of the number one bestselling Dancing in the Moonlight. It's Christmas Eve 1920 when nine-year-old Abby Kirby's family is ripped apart by a terrible tragedy. Leaving everything she's ever known, Abby takes her younger brother and runs away to the tough existence of the Border farming community. Years pass. Abby becomes a beautiful young woman and falls in love, but her past haunts her, casting dark shadows. Furthermore, in the very place she's taken refuge is someone who wishes her harm. With her heart broken, Abby decides to make a new life as a nurse. When the Second World War breaks out, she volunteers as a QA nurse and is sent overseas. However, life takes another unexpected and dangerous turn when she becomes a prisoner of the Japanese. It is then that Abby realizes that whatever has gone before is nothing compared to what lies ahead…

2035 Руб.

Bradshaw Rita One Snowy Night bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Bradshaw Rita One Snowy Night

From the top-ten bestselling author of Beneath a Frosty Moon, Rita Bradshaw, comes One Snowy Night, a sweeping family saga set between the two world wars in the north-east of England. It's 1922 and the Depression is just beginning to rear its head in Britain, but Ruby Morgan is about to marry her childhood sweetheart and nothing can mar her happiness. Or so she thinks. An unimaginable betrayal by those she loves causes her to flee her home and family one snowy night. Crushed and heartbroken, Ruby vows that despite the odds stacked against her she will not only survive, but one day will show the ones she left behind that she's succeeded in making something of herself. Brave words, but the reality is far from easy. Dangers Ruby could never have foreseen and more tragedy threaten her new life, and love always seems just out of reach. Can a happy ending ever be hers?

1947 Руб.

Bradshaw Rita Alone Beneath the Heaven bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Bradshaw Rita Alone Beneath the Heaven

A powerful and absorbing saga, moving from Sunderland to London in the 1940s, as Sarah Brown dreams of a better life.

2194 Руб.

Bradshaw Rita The Most Precious Thing bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Bradshaw Rita The Most Precious Thing

It's 1925 and when Renee McDarmount marries Walter Sutton, Carrie McDarmount is delighted, for the two families have always been close - the children are all similar in age and their fathers work together in the local pit. But an incident on the eve of the wedding leaves Carrie pregnant and desperately ashamed of the secret she now carries. When Harry Sutton, who has always loved Carrie, discovers her plight, he volunteers to marry her and bring up the baby as his own. But their secret will inevitably come out in the end and there is much heartache ahead before Carrie can finally be happy and content with the man she loves.

2194 Руб.

Lee Maureen Lime Street Blues bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Lee Maureen Lime Street Blues

Three Liverpool families - the Flowers, the Baileys and the McDowds - all very different, yet inextricably linked. Beginning in post-war Liverpool, Lime Street Blues is a powerfully compelling saga which follows their lives, loves and ambitions. In the 1960s Liverpool, and the glamorous world of music, is the place to be. So, when Sean, Lachlan and Max form The Merseysiders and Jeannie and Rita become part of The Flower Girls, they put their hearts and souls into their performances and achieve success beyond their wildest dreams. The greatest star of all is Sean McDowd, adored by women everywhere, yet unable to get his first love out of his mind. But Jeannie Flowers has married Lachlan and no-one is prepared for the deceits and betrayals that lie ahead.

2190 Руб.

Lemoine Sanae The Margot Affair bradshaw rita beyond the veil of tears
Lemoine Sanae The Margot Affair

French teenager Margot is the illegitimate daughter of a prominent stage actress and an influential politician. The comings and goings of their unconventional family, in a small Parisian apartment, cast her whole life under a veil of secrecy and shame. One summer, Margot decides to exercise her own agency when she meets a well-regarded journalist whose trust seems surprisingly easy to gain. But as Margot is drawn into an adult world, she learns how one impulsive decision can change the contours of her life, and the lives of those around her, in ways she could never have imagined. In this simmering debut Sanae Lemoine explores private and public faces, truth and deceit, love and persuasion. The Margot Affair is a novel about the bone-deep bond between mothers and daughters, the devotion and betrayal of friendship and the dangers of pushing beyond the boundaries of a life lived in the shadows.

2358 Руб.


Каталог товаров:

браслет фэн шуй из обсидиана с камнями и бусинами для мужчин и женщин украшение под золото черный пиксиу богатство и удачу для женщин и му | электрический накопительный водонагреватель zanussi zwh s 30 lorica | рамка на 4 поста efapel 50941 tpl | мамбо сб 2540 1 н комод дуб бунратти дуб бунратти диамант серый | лофт стеллаж сж 001 дуб крафт золотой дуб крафт золотой лдсп | кухонная мойка teka clivo 50 s tq графит металлик 40148011 | сидней сб 2582 зеркало дуб дикий | прихожая полина орех лион коричневый бежевый лдсп | рамка на 2 поста efapel 90920 tgg | стол журнальный серфинг дуб сонома акация | стол журнальный альбано серый мрамор | саманта см7 шкаф угловой дуб седан бежевый лдсп | подставка магнитная настольная для 4 кухонных ножей woodinhome 20х12 5х26см белый дуб | printio часы круглые из дерева часы настенные в коричной оболочке | кухонный гарнитур лофт регина песочный диамант серый дуб дикий 2 4 м | бруклин сб 3249 комод диамант серый | заготовки для значков d58 мм булавка 100 шт | шкаф 3 х дверный саманта дуб седан | poverkhnost domino zigmund shtain mn 13531 b | сборная деревянная модель пистолет резинкострел | бруклин сб 3249 комод дуб винченца | аксессуары для комнаты рв мебель полка дуб молочный | туалетный столик агата дуб седан | скамья флер дуб седан | часы настенные vivid large белые |