cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook

Cabeza Carmen, Cerdeira Paula, Fernandez Francisca Mundo Real 4. 2nd Edition. Workbook cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Cabeza Carmen, Cerdeira Paula, Fernandez Francisca Mundo Real 4. 2nd Edition. Workbook

Mundo Real is a four level high school Spanish program that uses lively and compelling content, images, and video to teach the language that learners need to succeed in and outside the classroom. This workbook includes eight units that correspond to and reinforce the units in the corresponding student book. Workbook activities focus on reading and listening comprehension and written expression, perfect for independent study in the classroom or at home.

2226 Руб.

Cabeza Sanchez Maria Carmen, Cerdeira Paula, Fernandez Francisca Mundo Real 2. 2nd Edition. Workbook cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Cabeza Sanchez Maria Carmen, Cerdeira Paula, Fernandez Francisca Mundo Real 2. 2nd Edition. Workbook

Mundo Real is a four level high school Spanish program that uses lively and compelling content, images, and video to teach the language that learners need to succeed in and outside the classroom. This workbook includes eight units that correspond to and reinforce the units in the corresponding student book. Workbook activities focus on reading and listening comprehension and written expression, perfect for independent study in the classroom or at home.

2226 Руб.

Cabeza Sanchez Maria Carmen, Cerdeira Paula, Fernandez Francisca Mundo Real 3. 2nd Edition. Workbook cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Cabeza Sanchez Maria Carmen, Cerdeira Paula, Fernandez Francisca Mundo Real 3. 2nd Edition. Workbook

Mundo Real is a four level high school Spanish program that uses lively and compelling content, images, and video to teach the language that learners need to succeed in and outside the classroom. This workbook includes eight units that correspond to and reinforce the units in the corresponding student book. Workbook activities focus on reading and listening comprehension and written expression, perfect for independent study in the classroom or at home.

2226 Руб.

Cerdeira Paula, Guerrero Amelia, Fernandez Francisca Mundo Real 1. Libro de ejercicios. International Edition cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Cerdeira Paula, Guerrero Amelia, Fernandez Francisca Mundo Real 1. Libro de ejercicios. International Edition

Incluye: Libro de ejercicios. Con este libro el estudiante consolida y refuerza los contenidos a traves de actividades de tipologia variada. Las actividades estan estructuradas segun las diferentes secciones del Libro del alumno. En el Libro del profesor se hace referencia directa a las actividades del Libro de ejercicios que el estudiante puede trabajar para reforzar los contenidos vistos en clase. Estructura del libro: El Libro de ejercicios consta de 8 unidades, correspondientes a las 8 unidades del Libro del alumno, y en las que se trabaja cada seccion. Al final del libro se ofrece un apendice gramatical por unidades.

2226 Руб.

Aparicio Eduardo, Cabeza Sanchez Maria Carmen, Fernandez Francisca Mundo Real 1. Libro del profesor. International Edition cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Aparicio Eduardo, Cabeza Sanchez Maria Carmen, Fernandez Francisca Mundo Real 1. Libro del profesor. International Edition

Incluye: Libro del profesor. Recursos extras en la ELEteca: recursos del estudiante, test de evaluacion, fichas y material proyectable, audiciones, guia de las actividades colaborativas… El amplio material con el que cuenta el profesoir, incluidas las funcionalidades de la plataforma ELEteca para la gestion de los cursos, le brinda todo lo necesario para sacar el maximo partido al curso. El Libro del profesor es una completa guia en la que se presentan las pautas de explotacion didactica del material, de acuerdo con los apartados y actividades del Libro del alumno. En cada unidad, las actividades se explican de manera clara y secuenciada senalando las sugerencias de explotacion, las actividades opcionales, todas las transcripciones de las audiciones, soluciones o claves, etc. Ademas, el profesor encontrara informacion adicional util sobre contenidos culturales, gramaticales, foneticos y lexicos, con los que podra resolver con mas facilidad las dudas o preguntas que le puedan surgir a usted o a sus alumnos. A lo largo de las unidades se hace referencia a todos los recursos digitales con los que cuenta el alumno: videos, actividades interactivas... Una completa guia en ingles que ofrece al profesor interesantes sugerencias y multipples recursos: Objetivos y recursos de cada unidad. Sugerencias de explotacion. Referencias a los materiales digitales. claves de las actividades. Notas culturales. Transcripciones. Fichas y transparencias.

13183 Руб.

Cabeza Carmen, Fernandez Francisca, Marin Emilio Destellos. Part 1. Student Print Edition + Online access code cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Cabeza Carmen, Fernandez Francisca, Marin Emilio Destellos. Part 1. Student Print Edition + Online access code

Destellos, an intermediate level college course, was developed to engage and motivate learners. The student-centered approach provides an opportunity to use language while completing real-world tasks in a variety of contexts. The engaging themes help improve language acquisition and develop cultural awareness. Destellos will give students the confidence they need at the intermediate level to continue their language studies. This product provides digital access to the different resources for this part of the book, including: Student eBook. Eleteca Online practices plus audio and video program. Online workbook When buying this material you will receive an email with an access code to activate your access to the ELEteca learning account and instructions on how to complete the activation process.

9976 Руб.

Cabeza Carmen, Fernandez Francisca, Marin Emilio Destellos. Part 2. Student Print Edition + Online access code cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Cabeza Carmen, Fernandez Francisca, Marin Emilio Destellos. Part 2. Student Print Edition + Online access code

Destellos, an intermediate level college course, was developed to engage and motivate learners. The student-centered approach provides an opportunity to use language while completing real-world tasks in a variety of contexts. The engaging themes help improve language acquisition and develop cultural awareness. Destellos will give students the confidence they need at the intermediate level to continue their language studies. This product provides digital access to the different resources for this part of the book, including: Student eBook. Eleteca Online practices plus audio and video program. Online workbook When buying this material you will receive an email with an access code to activate your access to the ELEteca learning account and instructions on how to complete the activation process.

9976 Руб.

Cabeza Sanchez Maria Carmen, Fernandez Francisca, Conroy Kelly Destellos. Part 1. Teacher Print Edition + Online access code cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Cabeza Sanchez Maria Carmen, Fernandez Francisca, Conroy Kelly Destellos. Part 1. Teacher Print Edition + Online access code

Destellos, an intermediate level college course, was developed to engage and motivate learners. The student-centered approach provides an opportunity to use language while completing real-world tasks in a variety of contexts. The engaging themes help improve language acquisition and develop cultural awareness. Destellos will give students the confidence they need at the intermediate level to continue their language studies. This print edition of the Teacher edition includes an acces code for access to ELEteca, an online platform designed for both students and teachers, which includes audiovisual resources and materials for self-assessment and independent study plus access to the Online Workbook and the e-book, which is compatible with devices running Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android, features eight units of high-interest content and includes embedded audio and video.

13810 Руб.

Bayon Esteban, Cerdeira Paula, Cabeza Carmen Frecuencias Directo A1-B1. Libro del estudiante cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Bayon Esteban, Cerdeira Paula, Cabeza Carmen Frecuencias Directo A1-B1. Libro del estudiante

Новый, четырехуровневый курс испанского языка для молодежи и взрослых Frecuencias (MCER A1 – B2) способствует активному изучению языка и адаптирован к потребностям студентов. Эта версия учебника предназначена для интенсивных курсов, предполагающих быстрое достижение уровня B1. Учебник состоит из 22 тематических модулей, позволяющих развивать языковые навыки посредством решения коммуникативных задач, знакомящих студентов с грамматикой, лексикой, различными типами текстов, учебными стратегиями, а также предоставляющих множество примеров из материалов Королевской Академии испанского языка (RAE) и информацию о культуре и повседневной жизни в испаноязычных странах для более глубокого понимания языка. В конце учебника есть раздел, содержащий задания, направленные на улучшение произношения и орфографии. К учебнику прилагается код доступа к электронной версии учебника, интерактивным заданиям, аудио- и видеоматериалам. Frecuencias Directo A1-B1 Un unico volumen con los contenidos esenciales de los niveles A1, A2 y B1. Se dirige a aquellos estudiantes que requieren un curso mas intensivo y dinamico que les ayude a alcanzar antes el nivel B1. El libro esta compuesto por veintidos unidades didacticas estructuradas en ocho apartados con unos objetivos especificos: presentacion de los contenidos de la unidad; activacion de los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes sobre el tema; presentacion y actividades para la adquisicion de vocabulario; presentacion y practica de los contenidos gramaticales; secuencia comunicativa para poner en practica los conocimientos adquiridos, a traves de tareas significativas y el desarrollo de las cuatro destrezas; presentacion de contenidos culturales relacionados con el universo hispanico; actividades de video sobre la serie Hostal Babel, que presenta en un contexto real y cotidiano los contenidos tratados en cada unidad; evaluacion de lo aprendido y reflexion sobre el aprendizaje. El manual se acompana de una tabla de verbos, un glosario y un apendice de Pronunciacion y ortografia con 12 fichas practicas que pueden presentarse en clase segun las necesidades especificas de cada grupo. Ademas, el libro incorpora una extensa muestra de ejemplos reales extraidos de los corpus de la Real Academia Espanol (RAE) que, siempre al hilo de los contenidos tratados, ilustran variantes de caracter lexico, gramatical o comunicativo. El manual incluye una extension digital en la ELEteca con diversos recursos extras (disponibles durante 18 meses a partir del momento de su activacion): audiciones, actividades interactivas y videos de la serie Hostal Babel.

5003 Руб.

Mundo Real 4. 2nd Edition. Teacher's Edition + Online access code cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Mundo Real 4. 2nd Edition. Teacher's Edition + Online access code

Mundo Real is a four level high school Spanish program that uses lively and compelling content, images, and video to teach the language that learners need to succeed in and outside the classroom. Mundo Real's communicative approach focuses on functional, real-life language, while the program's guided and manageable content encourages students to begin speaking the language immediately. With real-life themes, high-interest content, and natural speech, Mundo Real teaches the language relevant to students' lives. This print edition of the Teacher edition includes an acces code to ELEteca, an online platform designed for both students and teachers, which includes interactive and collaborative activities, audiovisual resources and materials for self-assessment and independent study plus access to the Online Workbook and the e-book, which is compatible with devices running Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android, features eight units of high-interest content and includes embedded audio and video.

13183 Руб.

Mundo Real 2. 2nd Edition. Teacher's Edition + Online access code cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Mundo Real 2. 2nd Edition. Teacher's Edition + Online access code

Mundo Real is a four level high school Spanish program that uses lively and compelling content, images, and video to teach the language that learners need to succeed in and outside the classroom. Mundo Real's communicative approach focuses on functional, real-life language, while the program's guided and manageable content encourages students to begin speaking the language immediately. With real-life themes, high-interest content, and natural speech, Mundo Real teaches the language relevant to students' lives. This print edition of the Teacher edition includes an acces code to ELEteca, an online platform designed for both students and teachers, which includes interactive and collaborative activities, audiovisual resources and materials for self-assessment and independent study plus access to the Online Workbook and the e-book, which is compatible with devices running Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android, features eight units of high-interest content and includes embedded audio and video.

13183 Руб.

Mundo Real 3. 2nd Edition. Teacher's Edition + Online access code cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Mundo Real 3. 2nd Edition. Teacher's Edition + Online access code

Mundo Real is a four level high school Spanish program that uses lively and compelling content, images, and video to teach the language that learners need to succeed in and outside the classroom. Mundo Real's communicative approach focuses on functional, real-life language, while the program's guided and manageable content encourages students to begin speaking the language immediately. With real-life themes, high-interest content, and natural speech, Mundo Real teaches the language relevant to students' lives. This print edition of the Teacher edition includes an acces code to ELEteca, an online platform designed for both students and teachers, which includes interactive and collaborative activities, audiovisual resources and materials for self-assessment and independent study plus access to the Online Workbook and the e-book, which is compatible with devices running Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android, features eight units of high-interest content and includes embedded audio and video.

13183 Руб.

Villadoniga Linda Mundo Real 2. 2nd Edition. Student print edition + Online access cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Villadoniga Linda Mundo Real 2. 2nd Edition. Student print edition + Online access

Mundo Real is a four level high school Spanish program that uses lively and compelling content, images, and video to teach the language that learners need to succeed in and outside the classroom. Mundo Real's communicative approach focuses on functional, real-life language, while the program's guided and manageable content encourages students to begin speaking the language immediately. With real-life themes, high-interest content, and natural speech, Mundo Real teaches the language relevant to students' lives. This product provides digital access to the different resources for this part of the book, including: Student eBook. Eleteca Online practices plus audio and video program. Online workbook Heritage Learner eBook

8129 Руб.

Aparicio Eduardo, Bembibre Cecilia, Bayon Esteban Mundo Real 3. 2nd Edition. Student print edition + Online access cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Aparicio Eduardo, Bembibre Cecilia, Bayon Esteban Mundo Real 3. 2nd Edition. Student print edition + Online access

Mundo Real is a four level high school Spanish program that uses lively and compelling content, images, and video to teach the language that learners need to succeed in and outside the classroom. Mundo Real's communicative approach focuses on functional, real-life language, while the program's guided and manageable content encourages students to begin speaking the language immediately. With real-life themes, high-interest content, and natural speech, Mundo Real teaches the language relevant to students' lives. This product provides digital access to the different resources for this part of the book, including: Student eBook. Eleteca Online practices plus audio and video program. Online workbook Heritage Learner eBook

8129 Руб.

Villadoniga Linda, Bembibre Cecilia, Camara Noemi Mundo Real 4. 2nd Edition. Student print edition + Online access cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Villadoniga Linda, Bembibre Cecilia, Camara Noemi Mundo Real 4. 2nd Edition. Student print edition + Online access

Mundo Real is a four level high school Spanish program that uses lively and compelling content, images, and video to teach the language that learners need to succeed in and outside the classroom. Mundo Real's communicative approach focuses on functional, real-life language, while the program's guided and manageable content encourages students to begin speaking the language immediately. With real-life themes, high-interest content, and natural speech, Mundo Real teaches the language relevant to students' lives. This product provides digital access to the different resources for this part of the book, including: Student eBook. Eleteca Online practices plus audio and video program. Online workbook

8129 Руб.

Cabeza Sanchez Maria Carmen, Fernandez Vargas Francisca, Galan Martinez Luisa Espacio Joven 360. Nivel B1.2. Libro del alumno cabeza carmen cerdeira paula fernandez francisca mundo real 4 2nd edition workbook
Cabeza Sanchez Maria Carmen, Fernandez Vargas Francisca, Galan Martinez Luisa Espacio Joven 360. Nivel B1.2. Libro del alumno

Espacio Joven 360? - пятиуровневый курс испанского языка для подростков, способствующий активному обучению и адаптированный к их потребностям (A1 – B1). Материал учебника разбит на 6 модулей, каждый из которых содержит разделы, позволяющие изучать и практиковать различные области испанского языка: грамматику, лексику, фонетику, орфографию, функциональный язык, улучшить основные языковые навыки, подготовиться к экзамену DELE и познакомиться с культурными аспектами испаноязычного мира. Также все разделы учебника включают ссылки на все разнообразные цифровые ресурсы, предлагаемые курсом, а в конце учебника находится краткая справочная информация. К учебнику прилагается код доступа к цифровым ресурсам, включающим электронную версию учебника, интерактивные задания, оценочные тесты, задания для совместного выполнения, аудио- и видеоматериалы, интерактивную игру Spanish Blogger, позволяющую попрактиковаться в испанском языке в игровой форме. Incluye: Libro del alumno. Recursos extras en la ELEteca (disponibles durante 18 meses a partir del momento de su activacion): audiciones, practicas interactivas, test de evaluacion, actividades colaborativas, juego didactico y videos de cada unidad. Estructura del Libro del alumno: Este libro se compone de seis unidades didactica mas una unidad de introduccion. Las unidades estan estructuradas en secciones que trabajan distintos contenidos: ?Que ves?, Comenzamos con un dialogo, Hablar por hablar, Sesion de cine, Palabra por palabra, Paso a paso, Suena bien, Mundo hispano, Me preparo para el DELE y ?Me lo se! Cada unidad se acompana de distintos videos disponibles en la ELEteca: fragmentos de peliculas, videos de gramatica y videos de entrevistas en la calle. A lo largo de las unidades se hace referencia a todos los recursos digitales con los que cuenta el estudiante. Incluye el juego interactivo en la ELEteca para practicar espanol de forma ludica. Al final del libro se ofrece un apendice gramatical, una tabla de verbos y un glosario. Este nivel B1.2 es compatible con la coleccion Espacio Joven.

2883 Руб.


Каталог товаров:

браслет фэн шуй из обсидиана с камнями и бусинами для мужчин и женщин украшение под золото черный пиксиу богатство и удачу для женщин и му | электрический накопительный водонагреватель zanussi zwh s 30 lorica | рамка на 4 поста efapel 50941 tpl | мамбо сб 2540 1 н комод дуб бунратти дуб бунратти диамант серый | лофт стеллаж сж 001 дуб крафт золотой дуб крафт золотой лдсп | кухонная мойка teka clivo 50 s tq графит металлик 40148011 | сидней сб 2582 зеркало дуб дикий | прихожая полина орех лион коричневый бежевый лдсп | рамка на 2 поста efapel 90920 tgg | стол журнальный серфинг дуб сонома акация | стол журнальный альбано серый мрамор | саманта см7 шкаф угловой дуб седан бежевый лдсп | подставка магнитная настольная для 4 кухонных ножей woodinhome 20х12 5х26см белый дуб | printio часы круглые из дерева часы настенные в коричной оболочке | кухонный гарнитур лофт регина песочный диамант серый дуб дикий 2 4 м | бруклин сб 3249 комод диамант серый | заготовки для значков d58 мм булавка 100 шт | шкаф 3 х дверный саманта дуб седан | poverkhnost domino zigmund shtain mn 13531 b | сборная деревянная модель пистолет резинкострел | бруклин сб 3249 комод дуб винченца | аксессуары для комнаты рв мебель полка дуб молочный | туалетный столик агата дуб седан | скамья флер дуб седан | часы настенные vivid large белые |