golding william the inheritors

Golding William The Inheritors golding william the inheritors
Golding William The Inheritors

Hunt, trek, and feast among Neanderthals in this stunning novel by the radical Nobel Laureate and author of Lord of the Flies, introduced by Ben Okri. This was a different voice; not the voice of the people. It was the voice of other. When spring comes, the people leave their winter cave, foraging for honey, grubs, and the hot richness of a deer’s brain. They awaken the fire to heat their naked bodies, lay down their thorn bushes, and share pictures in their minds. But strange things are happening: inexplicable scents and sounds. Imaginable beasts are half-glimpsed in the forest; upright creatures of bone-faces and deerskins. What the people do not know is that their day is already over …

1609 Руб.

Golding William The Spire golding william the inheritors
Golding William The Spire

Succumb to a churchman's apocalyptic vision in this prophetic tale by the radical Nobel Laureate and author of Lord of the Flies, introduced by Benjamin Myers (narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch as an audiobook). There were three sorts of people. Those who ran, those who stayed, and those who were built in. Dean Jocelin has a vision: that God has chosen him to erect a great spire. His master builder fearfully advises against it, for the old cathedral was miraculously built without foundations. But Jocelin is obsessed with fashioning his prayer in stone. As his halo of hair grows wilder and his dark angel darker, the spire rises octagon upon octagon, pinnacle by pinnacle, watched over by the gargoyles - until the stone pillars shriek, the earth beneath creeps, and the spire's shadow falls like an axe on the medieval world below …

1881 Руб.

Golding William The Pyramid golding william the inheritors
Golding William The Pyramid

Oliver is eighteen and wants to enjoy himself before going to university. But this is the 1920s and he lives in Stilbourne, a small English country town where everyone knows what everyone else is getting up to, and where love, lust and rebellion are closely followed by revenge and embarrassment.

1693 Руб.

Golding William The Scorpion God golding william the inheritors
Golding William The Scorpion God

Even when he leapt from the parapet he talked. Ancient Egypt. The Prince is set to marry Pretty Flower, his sister, in the Great House's incestuous society. But the Liar speaks a truth that transforms everything … A primitive matriarchal society. While mothers raise children in the bucolic Place of Women, Chimp is tormented by the Leopard Men in their brutal hunts, until he gains new wisdom … Imperial Rome. In an era of invention and exploration, the emperor realises he loves his illegitimate grandson more than his own loutish heir …

1880 Руб.

Golding William The Double Tongue golding william the inheritors
Golding William The Double Tongue

Meet the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece in this transporting tale of the classical world by the radical Nobel Laureate and author of Lord of the Flies, introduced by Bettany Hughes. Did I believe in what I was doing? Or rather, since I was doing nothing, did I believe in what someone, something was doing to me? It begins with the half-burnt fish, miraculously restored to life, and the healing of the ill child. Young Arieka is an unloved misfit, but as rumours of her spiritual powers reach the High Priest of Apollo, her life is transformed. She is taken to Delphi to become a Pythia: a mouthpiece for the god Apollo, an oracle uttering riddling prophecies from a smoky cave to frenzied crowds. But when this role is dramatically thrust upon her, the priestess must navigate political conspiracy and the threat of the Romans to preserve her belief – and sanity.

1881 Руб.

Golding William The Paper Men golding william the inheritors
Golding William The Paper Men

Fame, success, fortune, a drink problem slipping over the edge into alcoholism, a dead marriage, the incurable itches of middle-aged lust. For Wilfred Barclay, novelist, the final unbearable irritation is Professor Rick L. Tucker, implacable in his determination to become The Barclay Man. Locked in a lethal relationship they stumble across Europe, shedding wives, self-respect and illusions. The climax of their odyssey, when it comes, is as inevitable as it is unexpected.

1692 Руб.

Golding William Lord of the Flies golding william the inheritors
Golding William Lord of the Flies

William Golding's Lord of the Flies is a dystopian classic: 'exciting, relevant and thought-provoking' (Stephen King). When a group of schoolboys are stranded on a desert island, what could go wrong? 'One of my favorite books - I read it every couple of years.' (Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games) A plane crashes on a desert island. The only survivors are a group of schoolboys. By day, they discover fantastic wildlife and dazzling beaches, learning to survive; at night, they are haunted by nightmares of a primitive beast. Orphaned by society, it isn't long before their innocent childhood games devolve into a savage, murderous hunt ...

1389 Руб.

Golding William Lord of the Flies golding william the inheritors
Golding William Lord of the Flies

Сэр Уильям Джералд Голдинг (1911-1993) - английский писатель, лауреат Нобелевской премии по литературе 1983 года. Всемирную известность ему принёс один из его дебютных романов, Повелитель мух (1954), считающийся одним из выдающихся произведений мировой литературы XX века. В военное время в результате авиакатастрофы на необитаемом острове оказывается группа благовоспитанных мальчиков, эвакуированных из Англии. Вдали от цивилизации они вынуждены вести борьбу за выживание с природой и друг с другом.

Golding William Lord of The Flies golding william the inheritors
Golding William Lord of The Flies

Everything you need to know and do to get the grade you want! In full colour and a great student-friendly size, York Notes for GCSE is easy to use and easy to follow, so it’s easier than ever to get top marks. Written by examiners and teachers to give you an expert understanding of the text, York Notes has the most in-depth coverage and analysis of everything from themes and contexts to characters, plots and language. You’ll get the low-down on everything you’ll need to demonstrate how well you understand the text and write the best essays. There are sample answers, essay plans and specialist guidance on understanding the questions you’ll be asked in an exam, together with an array of handy quotes, checklists, study tips, grade boosters and revision activities to help you learn, revise efficiently and remember everything you’ll need to write the very best answers.

1440 Руб.

Golding William Lord of the Flies golding william the inheritors
Golding William Lord of the Flies

Книга для чтения на английском языке. Роман "Повелитель мух" (1954) - первое опубликованное произведение известного английского писателя Уильяма Джералда Голдинга. В этом романе-притче описана история группы школьников, попавших на остров и потерявших человеческий облик. В книге представлен неадаптированный текст на языке оригинала.

Golding William Lord of the Flies golding william the inheritors
Golding William Lord of the Flies

Golding's best-known novel is the story of a group of boys who, after a plane crash, set up a fragile community on a previously uninhabited island. As memories of home recede and the blood from frenzied pig-hunts arouses them, the boys' childish fear turns into something deeper and more primitive.

1709 Руб.

Golding William Lord of the Flies golding william the inheritors
Golding William Lord of the Flies

Лучший способ учить иностранный язык – это читать художественное произведение, постепенно овладевая лексикой и грамматикой. Совершенствуйте свой английский язык по уникальной методике вместе со знаменитым романом Уильяма Голдинга «Повелитель мух». В военное время в результате авиакатастрофы на необитаемом острове оказывается группа благовоспитанных мальчиков, эвакуированных из Англии. В диких условиях они вынуждены вести борьбу за выживание. Но вдали от цивилизации им придется бороться не только с природой, но и друг с другом. Смогут ли они сохранить свою человеческую сущность или неизбежно превратятся в дикарей? Полный текст произведения снабжен подробным лексико-грамматическим комментарием, расположенным на полях и содержащим ссылки на соответствующее правило грамматики. Объем грамматического справочника, следующего сразу за романом, соответствует уровню выше среднего, поэтому им можно успешно пользоваться и в дальнейшем. В конце книги помещен англо-русский словарик, содержащий лексику романа. Издание предназначено для всех, кто учит английский язык и стремится читать книги в оригинале.

Golding William Free Fall golding william the inheritors
Golding William Free Fall

I could take whichever I would of these paths. Sammy Mountjoy is an artist who has risen from poverty to see his pictures hung in the Tate Gallery. Swept into World War II, he is captured as a German prisoner of war, threatened with torture and locked in a cell of total darkness. He emerges transfigured by his ordeal, realising how his choices have made him the author of his life, interrogating religion and rationality, early loves and formative beliefs - and questioning freedom itself.

1881 Руб.

Golding William Pincher Martin golding william the inheritors
Golding William Pincher Martin

Experience a shipwrecked sailor's disintegration into 'a naked madman on a rock' by the radical Nobel Laureate and author of Lord of the Flies, introduced by Marlon James. An hour on this rock is a lifetime. Glistening limpets. Lobster claws. Wild tangles of seaweed. Slowly, his eyes open. Everywhere, there is sea. Only this jagged peak interrupts the vast expanse of the Atlantic: a tooth in a gaping jaw. But he will survive. Rainwater can be drunk; anemones eaten. He dries his oilskin beneath the screaming gulls, and discovers his papers: Christopher Hadley Martin, TY. Lieut., R.N.V.R. Weathering lightning strikes of memory, he must now reconstruct his fate - piece by terrible piece.

1880 Руб.

Golding William Darkness Visible golding william the inheritors
Golding William Darkness Visible

The destinies of three mysterious lost children entwine in this James Tait Black Memorial Prize-winning fable by the radical Nobel Laureate and author of Lord of the Flies, introduced by Nicola Barker. A figure had condensed out of the shuddering backdrop of the glare. He is born in fire: a naked child in the blood-red flames of London’s Blitz. Miraculously saved but grotesquely burned, this mysterious orphan is named Matty. Doomed to a life of torment, he becomes a wanderer, a spiritual seeker after unknown redemption. They are also lost children: neglected twins, as exquisitely beautiful as they are loveless and sinful. Toni explores political terrorism; Sophy, sexual dominance and violent criminality. But their destinies will soon collide in an apocalyptic climax – one that illuminates the inner and outer darkness of modern humanity.

1880 Руб.

Golding William Close Quarters golding william the inheritors
Golding William Close Quarters

Lose yourself in an epic naval journey in the second novel in the Booker Prize-winning Sea Trilogy by the author of Lord of the Flies. This tropical nowhere was the whole world — the whole imaginable world. A decrepit warship is becalmed halfway to Australia, stilled in an ocean wilderness of heat and sea mists. In this surreal, fete-like atmosphere, a ball is held with a passing ship: the passengers dance and flirt, while beneath them seaweed like green hair spreads omniously over the hull. Half-mad with fear, drink, love and opium, both vessel and passengers feel themselves going to pieces: and the very planks seem to twist themselves alive as the ship comes apart at the seams . . .

1692 Руб.


Каталог товаров:

браслет фэн шуй из обсидиана с камнями и бусинами для мужчин и женщин украшение под золото черный пиксиу богатство и удачу для женщин и му | электрический накопительный водонагреватель zanussi zwh s 30 lorica | рамка на 4 поста efapel 50941 tpl | мамбо сб 2540 1 н комод дуб бунратти дуб бунратти диамант серый | лофт стеллаж сж 001 дуб крафт золотой дуб крафт золотой лдсп | кухонная мойка teka clivo 50 s tq графит металлик 40148011 | сидней сб 2582 зеркало дуб дикий | прихожая полина орех лион коричневый бежевый лдсп | рамка на 2 поста efapel 90920 tgg | стол журнальный серфинг дуб сонома акация | стол журнальный альбано серый мрамор | саманта см7 шкаф угловой дуб седан бежевый лдсп | подставка магнитная настольная для 4 кухонных ножей woodinhome 20х12 5х26см белый дуб | printio часы круглые из дерева часы настенные в коричной оболочке | кухонный гарнитур лофт регина песочный диамант серый дуб дикий 2 4 м | бруклин сб 3249 комод диамант серый | заготовки для значков d58 мм булавка 100 шт | шкаф 3 х дверный саманта дуб седан | poverkhnost domino zigmund shtain mn 13531 b | сборная деревянная модель пистолет резинкострел | бруклин сб 3249 комод дуб винченца | аксессуары для комнаты рв мебель полка дуб молочный | туалетный столик агата дуб седан | скамья флер дуб седан | часы настенные vivid large белые |