hemingway e a moveable feast

Hemingway E. A Moveable Feast hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway E. A Moveable Feast

Hemingway's memories of his life as an unknown writer living in Paris in the twenties are deeply personal, warmly affectionate and full of wit. Looking back not only at his own much younger self, but also at the other writers who shared Paris with him - James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald - he recalls the time when, poor, happy and writing in cafes, he discovered his vocation. Written during the last years of Hemingway's life, his memoir is a lively and powerful reflection of his genius that scintillates with the romance of the city.

Hemingway E. A Moveable Feast hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway E. A Moveable Feast

Hemingway's memories of his life as an unknown writer living in Paris in the twenties are deeply personal, warmly affectionate and full of wit. Looking back not only at his own much younger self, but also at the other writers who shared Paris with him - James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald - he recalls the time when, poor, happy and writing in cafes, he discovered his vocation. Written during the last years of Hemingway's life, his memoir is a lively and powerful reflection of his genius that scintillates with the romance of the city.

Hemingway Ernest A moveable feast hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway Ernest A moveable feast

"Если тебе повезло и ты в молодости жил в Париже, то, где бы ты ни был потом, он до конца дней твоих останется с тобой, потому что Париж - это праздник, который всегда с тобой", - написал Эрнест Хемингуэй в 1950-м году в письме другу. В начале творческого пути мемуарный жанр не слишком привлекал писателя, однако спустя годы он признает, что люди легендарной судьбы обычно кончают тем, что садятся за мемуары. В 1954 году, попав в авиакатастрофу и прочитав потом о себе некрологи в ряде газет, он приходит к выводу, что "самый сложный предмет... - это человеческая жизнь" и что пора писать мемуары. Приехав как-то в Париж, он неожиданно нашел собственные записки, вырезки из газет и прочие материалы - две коробки, которые забыл в подвале парижского "Рица" в далеком 1928 году. Он работал над книгой с осени 1957 года до весны 1960-го. Текст остался в архиве писателя. Его вдова Мери Хемингуэй отредактировала "Праздник..." и подготовила книгу к печати. В предлагаемой вниманию читателей книге приводится полный неадаптированный текст парижских мемуаров Хемингуэя, снабженный подробными комментариями и словарем. Комментарии и словарь Е.Г. Тигонен.

Hemingway Ernest A Moveable Feast hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway Ernest A Moveable Feast

'If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.' Hemingway's memories of his life as an unknown writer living in Paris in the 1920s are deeply personal, warmly affectionate and full of wit. Looking back not only at his own much younger self, but also at the other writers who shared Paris with him - literary 'stars' like James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein - he recalls the time when, poor, happy and writing in cafes, he discovered his vocation.

2146 Руб.

Hemingway Ernest A Moveable Feast hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway Ernest A Moveable Feast

Published posthumously in 1964, A Moveable Feast remains one of Ernest Hemingway's most beloved works. Since Hemingway's personal papers were released in 1979, scholars have examined and debated the changes made to the text before publication. Now this new special restored edition presents the original manuscript as the author prepared it to be published. Featuring a personal foreword by Patrick Hemingway, Ernest's sole surviving son, and an introduction by the editor and grandson of the author, Sean Hemingway, this new edition also includes a number of unfinished, never-before-published Paris sketches revealing experiences that Hemingway had with his son Jack and his first wife, Hadley. Also included are irreverent portraits of other luminaries, such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ford Madox Ford, and insightful recollections of his own early experiments with his craft. Sure to excite critics and readers alike, the restored edition of A Moveable Feast brilliantly evokes the exuberant mood of Paris after World War I and the unbridled creativity and enthusiasm that Hemingway himself experienced. In the world of letters it is a unique insight into a great literary generation, by one of the best American writers of the twentieth century.

2068 Руб.

Hemingway Ernest A Moveable Feast hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway Ernest A Moveable Feast

Aвтобиографическое произведение Хемингуэя о трудных и счастливых годах, проведенных им во Франции в 20-30-х годах. В Париже он начал формироваться как писатель, здесь он усиленно занимался, учился мастерству, общался со многими знаменитостями, определявшими интеллектуально-культурную атмосферу Европы того времени. Подробно, с большой теплотой и тактом описывает он свои встречи с Фицджеральдом, Джойсом, Стейн и др. На английском языке эта книга Хемингуэя издана в России впервые. Издание ориентировано на лиц владеющих основами английского языка и интересующихся историей мировой литературы и культуры.

Hemingway Ernest A Moveable Feast hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway Ernest A Moveable Feast

'If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.' Ernest Hemingway to a friend. Hemingway's captivating memoir of living in Paris during the twenties. 'If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast' Hemingway's memories of his life as an unknown writer living in Paris in the twenties are deeply personal, warmly affectionate and full of wit. Looking back not only at his own much younger self, but also at the other writers who shared Paris with him - James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald - he recalls the time when, poor, happy and writing in cafes, he discovered his vocation. Written during the last years of Hemingway's life, his memoir is a lively and powerful reflection of his genius that scintillates with the romance of the city. 'A short, perfect book... Exquisite' Independent 'Here is Hemingway at his best' New York Times

2387 Руб.

Hemingway E. A Moveable Feast. The Restored Edition hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway E. A Moveable Feast. The Restored Edition

Published posthumously in 1964, A Moveable Feast remains one of Ernest Hemingways most beloved works. Since Hemingways personal papers were released in 1979, scholars have examined and debated the changes made to the text before publication. Now this new special restored edition presents the original manuscript as the author prepared it to be published. Featuring a personal foreword by Patrick Hemingway, Ernests sole surviving son, and an introduction by the editor and grandson of the author, Sean Hemingway, this new edition also includes a number of unfinished, never-before-published Paris sketches revealing experiences that Hemingway had with his son Jack and his first wife, Hadley. Also included are irreverent portraits of other luminaries, such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ford Madox Ford, and insightful recollections of his own early experiments with his craft. Sure to excite critics and readers alike, the restored edition of A Moveable Feast brilliantly evokes the exuberant mood of Paris after World War I and the unbridled creativity and enthusiasm that Hemingway himself experienced. In the world of letters it is a unique insight into a great literary generation, by one of the best American writers of the twentieth century.

2186 Руб.

Hemingway E. A Moveable Feast. The Restored Edition hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway E. A Moveable Feast. The Restored Edition

Published posthumously in 1964, A Moveable Feast remains one of Ernest Hemingways most beloved works. Since Hemingways personal papers were released in 1979, scholars have examined and debated the changes made to the text before publication. Now this new special restored edition presents the original manuscript as the author prepared it to be published. Featuring a personal foreword by Patrick Hemingway, Ernests sole surviving son, and an introduction by the editor and grandson of the author, Sean Hemingway, this new edition also includes a number of unfinished, never-before-published Paris sketches revealing experiences that Hemingway had with his son Jack and his first wife, Hadley. Also included are irreverent portraits of other luminaries, such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ford Madox Ford, and insightful recollections of his own early experiments with his craft. Sure to excite critics and readers alike, the restored edition of A Moveable Feast brilliantly evokes the exuberant mood of Paris after World War I and the unbridled creativity and enthusiasm that Hemingway himself experienced. In the world of letters it is a unique insight into a great literary generation, by one of the best American writers of the twentieth century.

2186 Руб.

Garance Jacques, Rivoal Stephanie Secret bars and restaurants in Paris hemingway e a moveable feast
Garance Jacques, Rivoal Stephanie Secret bars and restaurants in Paris

Dine in the home of a perfect stranger, enjoy your meal on an extraordinary, little-known terrace looking out on the Parc de Monceau, eat lunch at a restaurant that's totally invisible from the street, have a drink at a bar next to a man taking a shower in a glass box, join a band of artistic squatters for an afternoon barbecue, visit a Royalist bar, catch up with a moveable feast, get unbeatable value for money at a hostelry school, and experience numerous other timeless venues and atmospheres... Beyond the traditional Parisian restaurant, the French capital is full of wonderful unusual places.

1359 Руб.

Hemingway E. A Farewell To Arms hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway E. A Farewell To Arms

In 1918 Ernest Hemingway went to war. He volunteered for ambulance service in Italy, was wounded and twice decorated. Out of his experience came A Farewell to Arms. Hemingway's description of war is unforgettable. He recreates the fear, the comradeship, the courage of his young American volunteer, and the men and women he meets in Italy, with total conviction. But A Farewell to Arms is not only a novel of war. In it Hemingway has also created a love story of immense drama and uncompromising passion.

Hemingway E. A Farewell to Arms hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway E. A Farewell to Arms

In 1918 Ernest Hemingway went to war, to the "war to end all wars". He volunteered for ambulance service in Italy, was wounded and twice decorated. Out of his experiences came his early masterpiece, A Farewell to Arms. In an unforgettable depiction of war, Hemingway recreates the fear, the comradeship, the courage of his young American volunteers and the men and women he encounters along the way with conviction and brutal honesty. A love story of immense drama and uncompromising passion, A Farewell to Arms offers a unique and unflinching view of the world and people, by the winner of the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature.

Hemingway E. A Farewell To Arms hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway E. A Farewell To Arms

In 1918 Ernest Hemingway went to war. He volunteered for ambulance service in Italy, was wounded and twice decorated. Out of his experience came A Farewell to Arms. Hemingway's description of war is unforgettable. He recreates the fear, the comradeship, the courage of his young American volunteer, and the men and women he meets in Italy, with total conviction. But A Farewell to Arms is not only a novel of war. In it Hemingway has also created a love story of immense drama and uncompromising passion.

Hemingway E. A Farewell to Arms hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway E. A Farewell to Arms

In 1918 Ernest Hemingway went to war, to the "war to end all wars". He volunteered for ambulance service in Italy, was wounded and twice decorated. Out of his experiences came his early masterpiece, A Farewell to Arms. In an unforgettable depiction of war, Hemingway recreates the fear, the comradeship, the courage of his young American volunteers and the men and women he encounters along the way with conviction and brutal honesty. A love story of immense drama and uncompromising passion, A Farewell to Arms offers a unique and unflinching view of the world and people, by the winner of the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature.

Twain Mark Le avventure di Tom Sawyer hemingway e a moveable feast
Twain Mark Le avventure di Tom Sawyer

Qual e il segreto dell'infanzia? E perche, una volta che e passata, siamo disposti piu a rimpiangerla che a capirla? Tom Sawyer, il protagonista del capolavoro di Mark Twain, e un ragazzo che conosce questo segreto, e percio la vita per lui e come una fontana sempre viva e zampillante. Non cede alla noia, rifiuta la logica repressiva della realta costruita dagli adulti, disegna un cerchio magico in cui invita il lettore a entrare. Non ha fretta di crescere, e si muove giocando nel tempo eterno dell'immaginazione creativa. Eroe di vicende che conducono al successo e alla fama, Tom Sawyer e insieme una metafora dell'America della frontiera, l'America selvaggia dei coloni e degli avventurieri, degli sterminati spazi e delle grandi opportunita. "Le avventure di Tom Sawyer" e un classico che conserva tutta la sua freschezza, opera dello scrittore non a caso salutato da Ernest Hemingway come l'iniziatore dell'autentica letteratura americana. Introduzione di Sergio Campailla.

2407 Руб.

Hemingway Ernest The Old Man and the Sea hemingway e a moveable feast
Hemingway Ernest The Old Man and the Sea

'The best story Hemingway has written. No page of this beautiful master-work could have been done better or differently' Sunday Times If you loved BBC4's Hemingway , read the book that won Ernest Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature Set in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Havana, Hemingway's magnificent fable is the tale of an old man, a young boy and a giant fish. It stands as a unique and timeless vision of the beauty and grief of man's challenge to the elements.

3185 Руб.


Каталог товаров:

браслет фэн шуй из обсидиана с камнями и бусинами для мужчин и женщин украшение под золото черный пиксиу богатство и удачу для женщин и му | электрический накопительный водонагреватель zanussi zwh s 30 lorica | рамка на 4 поста efapel 50941 tpl | мамбо сб 2540 1 н комод дуб бунратти дуб бунратти диамант серый | лофт стеллаж сж 001 дуб крафт золотой дуб крафт золотой лдсп | кухонная мойка teka clivo 50 s tq графит металлик 40148011 | сидней сб 2582 зеркало дуб дикий | прихожая полина орех лион коричневый бежевый лдсп | рамка на 2 поста efapel 90920 tgg | стол журнальный серфинг дуб сонома акация | стол журнальный альбано серый мрамор | саманта см7 шкаф угловой дуб седан бежевый лдсп | подставка магнитная настольная для 4 кухонных ножей woodinhome 20х12 5х26см белый дуб | printio часы круглые из дерева часы настенные в коричной оболочке | кухонный гарнитур лофт регина песочный диамант серый дуб дикий 2 4 м | бруклин сб 3249 комод диамант серый | заготовки для значков d58 мм булавка 100 шт | шкаф 3 х дверный саманта дуб седан | poverkhnost domino zigmund shtain mn 13531 b | сборная деревянная модель пистолет резинкострел | бруклин сб 3249 комод дуб винченца | аксессуары для комнаты рв мебель полка дуб молочный | туалетный столик агата дуб седан | скамья флер дуб седан | часы настенные vivid large белые |