feist peter h renoir

Feist Peter H. Renoir feist peter h renoir
Feist Peter H. Renoir

L’art de peindre les plaisirs de la vie Chef de file, parmi d’autres, du courant impressionniste, Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841–1919) demeure une figure marquante de l’histoire de l’art a la popularite non dementie. Baigne de soleil, plein de charme et de sensualite, son ?uvre vient ajouter une dimension enjouee et lumineuse a la peinture, tout en prolongeant la pratique de plein air et les innovations chromatiques de l’epoque. L’?uvre prolifique de Renoir comprend pres de mille tableaux realises tout au long de sa vie. Largement influence par ses predecesseurs comme Courbet, Degas, Manet ou Delacroix, le peintre travailla aux cotes de ses pairs, dont Monet, pour decouvrir de nouveaux usages de la couleur et une nouvelle facon de poser le pinceau, afin de rendre les textures et la profondeur par des taches aux nuances variees. Attire par les scenes intimes et tendres, il prend pour sujet des amoureux, des meres et de nombreux nus. Au fil de sa carriere, Renoir a explore differents styles et techniques, delaissant la touche legere impressionniste pour une representation du corps plus vigoureuse et classique, parfois connue sous le nom de sa «periode ingresque», et plus tard des pieces monumentales telles que Les Grandes Baigneuses. Puisant dans la riche et longue carriere de l’artiste, cette introduction essentielle a selectionne les ?uvres principales de Pierre-Auguste Renoir et aborde les innovations qu’il a apportees a la peinture ainsi que sa pratique tournee vers la recherche de la beaute, de l’harmonie et de la figure feminine.

3699 Руб.

Feist Peter H. Pierre-Auguste Renoir feist peter h renoir
Feist Peter H. Pierre-Auguste Renoir

One of the leading lights of the Impressionist movement, Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) remains a towering figure in art history with enduring public appeal. Sun-kissed, charming, and sensual, his work shows painting at its most lighthearted and luminous, while championing the plein air and color innovations of his time. Renoir's oeuvre was prolific, with some several thousand works in his lifetime. Much influenced by forerunners such as Courbet, Degas, Manet, Delacroix, he worked with contemporary peers such as Monet to explore fresh uses of color and brushwork, rendering texture and depth with different-hued daubs. Drawn to intimate and tender human scenes, his subjects include lovers, mothers, and numerous nudes. As his career progressed, Renoir investigated different styles and techniques, shifting away from the feathery Impressionist touch to a more robust, classical corporeality, sometimes called his "Ingres period," and later to monumental pieces such as The Bathers. From the abundant output of his lengthy career, this essential artist introduction selects key Renoir works to explore his innovations in the art of painting, as much as his traditions in pursuit of beauty, harmony, and the female form.

2206 Руб.

Feist Peter H. Pierre-Auguste Renoir. 1841-1919. A Dream of Harmony feist peter h renoir
Feist Peter H. Pierre-Auguste Renoir. 1841-1919. A Dream of Harmony

Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) is universally acclaimed and celebrated: museums pride themselves on his paintings, crowds flock to his retrospectives. His work shows art at its most light-hearted, sensual and luminous. Renoir never wanted anything ugly in his paintings, nor any dramatic action. "I like pictures which make me want to wander through them when it's a landscape," he said, "or pass my hand over breast or back if it's a woman." Renoir's entire oeuvre is dominated by the depiction of women - again and again he painted "these faunesses with their pouting lips" (Mallarme) and invented a new image of feminine beauty and sensuality. A prolific painter - he made several thousand works in his lifetime - he is perhaps the most beloved of the Impressionists.

1286 Руб.

Faulkner Christopher Jean Renoir feist peter h renoir
Faulkner Christopher Jean Renoir

A director makes only one movie in his life. Then he breaks it into pieces and makes it again. -Jean Renoir. Jean Renoir (1894-1979) was, like his father Auguste, a virtuoso in his field. From early films such as La Fille de l`Eau and La Chienne through later masterpieces like Rules of the Game and The Grand Illusion (widely considered to be two of the greatest films ever made), Renoir forged a reputation as France`s most important filmmaker. Highly prolific (he directed over 40 films), Renoir worked in a multitude of genres, though social realism was his most powerful mode of expression. About the editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series. About the author: Christopher Faulkner is professor of film studies and director of the Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. He is the author of The Social Cinema of Jean Renoir and, with Olivier Curchod, of La Regle du jeu: scenario original de Jean Renoir, as well as numerous articles on Renoir and on French cinema. Издание на английском языке.

2024 Руб.

Feist R. Silverthorn feist peter h renoir
Feist R. Silverthorn

The second volume in Raymond E. Feists highly acclaimed epic fantasy Riftwar Saga With the Kingdom of the Isles at peace, Prince Arutha can at last look forward to marrying the Princess Anita in the city of Krondor. But the capital in the west harbours many shadows. When Jimmy the Hand, a young thief in the Guild of Mockers, upsets an assassination attempt on Arutha, a sinister plot is uncovered. As the dead rise and assassins stalk the darkness, Arutha must rally the Kingdom forces swiftly if he is to save his beautiful princess felled by a poisoned arrow on her wedding day, and prevent a madman from destroying Midkemia.

Feist R. Silverthorn feist peter h renoir
Feist R. Silverthorn

The second volume in Raymond E. Feists highly acclaimed epic fantasy Riftwar Saga With the Kingdom of the Isles at peace, Prince Arutha can at last look forward to marrying the Princess Anita in the city of Krondor. But the capital in the west harbours many shadows. When Jimmy the Hand, a young thief in the Guild of Mockers, upsets an assassination attempt on Arutha, a sinister plot is uncovered. As the dead rise and assassins stalk the darkness, Arutha must rally the Kingdom forces swiftly if he is to save his beautiful princess felled by a poisoned arrow on her wedding day, and prevent a madman from destroying Midkemia.

Neret Gilles Renoir. Painter of Happiness feist peter h renoir
Neret Gilles Renoir. Painter of Happiness

The most comprehensive retrospective of Renoir's work "Why shouldn't art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world." - Pierre-Auguste Renoir Pierre-Auguste Renoir's timelessly charming paintings still reflect our ideals of happiness, love, and beauty. TASCHEN's Renoir: Painter of Happiness, the most comprehensive retrospective of his work yet published, examines the personal history and motivation behind the legend. Though he began by painting landscapes in the Impressionist style, Renoir (1841-1919) found his true affinity once he started painting portraits, after which he abandoned the Impressionists altogether. Though often misunderstood and criticized, Renoir remains one of history's most well-loved painters-undoubtedly because his works exude such warmth, tenderness and good cheer.

2024 Руб.

Зубная щетка MONTCAROTTE Renoir Brush green toothbrush 1 шт feist peter h renoir
Зубная щетка MONTCAROTTE Renoir Brush green toothbrush 1 шт

MONTCAROTTE Зубная щетка Renoir Brush green toothbrush 1шт.мягкая

1179 Руб.

Neret Gilles Renoir feist peter h renoir
Neret Gilles Renoir

La retrospective la plus complete jamais consacree a l’?uvre de Renoir Les tableaux de Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) au charme intemporel n’evoquent qu’amour, bonheur et beaute. Issu de notre edition grand format, qui formait la retrospective la plus complete jamais consacree a l’?uvre du peintre, cet ouvrage analyse de pres l’histoire et la passion cachees derriere la legende. Bien qu’il ait commence sa carriere par des paysages de style impressionniste, Renoir n’a vraiment developpe son propre style qu’apres avoir commence a peindre des portraits qui l’ont conduit a se detacher completement de l’impressionnisme. On l’a souvent mal compris ou critique, et pourtant Renoir demeure l’un des peintres les plus aimes de l’Histoire grace a la chaleur et a la joie de vivre qui emanent de ses tableaux. Dans son texte eclairant qui revient sur l’integralite de la carriere de l’artiste en retracant son evolution artistique, Gilles Neret montre comment Renoir a reinvente la femme en peinture, a travers ses deesses de la vie quotidienne bien rondes, a la poitrine et aux hanches genereuses. Cette derniere phase de l’?uvre de Renoir, au cours de laquelle il en est revenu au plaisir simple de peindre des nus feminins dans sa serie consacree aux baigneuses, est sans doute de loin la plus novatrice, celle qui a le plus inspire d’autres artistes comme Matisse et Picasso. Avec sa chronologie et sa bibliographie, ses superbes reproductions couleur, ainsi que des photos et des croquis illustrant la vie et l’?uvre de Renoir, ce livre est l’un des ouvrages de reference incontournables sur ce grand maitre de la peinture.

7891 Руб.

Neret Gilles Renoir feist peter h renoir
Neret Gilles Renoir

Pierre-Auguste Renoir's (1841-1919) timelessly charming paintings still reflect our ideals of happiness, love, and beauty. Derived from our large-format volume, the most comprehensive retrospective of his work published to date, this compact edition examines the personal history and motivation behind the legend. Though he began by painting landscapes in the Impressionist style, Renoir found his true affinity in portraits, after which he abandoned the Impressionists altogether. Though often misunderstood, Renoir remains one of history's most well-loved painters-undoubtedly because his works exude such warmth, tenderness, and good spirit. In an incisive text tracing the artist's career and stylistic evolution, Gilles Neret shows how Renoir reinvented the painted female form, with his everyday goddesses and their plump forms, rounded hips and breasts. Renoir's later phase, marked by his return to the simple pleasure of the female nude in his baigneuses series, was his most innovative and stylistically influential, and would inspire such masters as Matisse and Picasso. With a complete chronology, bibliography, photos, sketches, and brilliant reproductions, this is the essential work of reference on this enduring master artist.

3301 Руб.

Neret Gilles Renoir feist peter h renoir
Neret Gilles Renoir

The most comprehensive retrospective of Renoir’s work Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s (1841–1919) timelessly charming paintings still reflect our ideals of happiness, love, and beauty. Derived from our large-format volume, the most comprehensive retrospective of his work published to date, this compact edition examines the personal history and motivation behind the legend. Though he began by painting landscapes in the Impressionist style, Renoir found his true affinity in portraits, after which he abandoned the Impressionists altogether. Though often misunderstood, Renoir remains one of history’s most well-loved painters—undoubtedly because his works exude such warmth, tenderness, and good spirit. In an incisive text tracing the artist’s career and stylistic evolution, Gilles Neret shows how Renoir reinvented the painted female form, with his everyday goddesses and their plump contours, rounded hips and breasts. Renoir’s later phase, marked by his return to the simple pleasure of the female nude in his Bathers series, was his most innovative and stylistically influential, and would inspire such masters as Matisse and Picasso. With a complete chronology, bibliography, photos, sketches, and brilliant reproductions, this is the essential work of reference on this enduring master artist.

6312 Руб.

Padberg Martina Renoir feist peter h renoir
Padberg Martina Renoir

Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) est l’un des grands maitres de l’impressionnisme. Son style unique, caracterise par sa touche delicate, la representation diffuse de la lumiere et l’association habile des couleurs, souligne l’impression generale d’harmonie exprimee par ses tableaux. Placant l’individu au c?ur de sa peinture, ses compositions refletent une joie de vivre et une atmosphere chaleureuse qui vaudront a Renoir le surnom de « peintre du bonheur ».

2827 Руб.

Файст П.Х. Renoir feist peter h renoir
Файст П.Х. Renoir

One of the leading lights of the Impressionist movement, Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841–1919) remains a towering figure in art history with enduring public appeal. Sun-kissed, charming, and sensual, his work shows painting at its most lighthearted and luminous, while championing the plein air and color innovations of his time.Renoir’s oeuvre was prolific, with some several thousand works in his lifetime. Much influenced by forerunners such as Courbet, Degas, Manet, Delacroix, he worked with contemporary peers such as Monet to explore fresh uses of color and brushwork, rendering texture and depth with different-hued daubs. Drawn to intimate and tender human scenes, his subjects include lovers, mothers, and numerous nudes.As his career progressed, Renoir investigated different styles and techniques, shifting away from the feathery Impressionist touch to a more robust, classical corporeality, sometimes called his “Ingres period,” and later to monumental pieces such as The Bathers. From the abundant output of his lengthy career, this essential artist introduction selects key Renoir works to explore his innovations in the art of painting, as much as his traditions in pursuit of beauty, harmony, and the female form.

2007 Руб.

Файст П.Х. Renoir feist peter h renoir
Файст П.Х. Renoir

One of the leading lights of the Impressionist movement, Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841–1919) remains a towering figure in art history with enduring public appeal. Sun-kissed, charming, and sensual, his work shows painting at its most lighthearted and luminous, while championing the plein air and color innovations of his time.Renoir’s oeuvre was prolific, with some several thousand works in his lifetime. Much influenced by forerunners such as Courbet, Degas, Manet, Delacroix, he worked with contemporary peers such as Monet to explore fresh uses of color and brushwork, rendering texture and depth with different-hued daubs. Drawn to intimate and tender human scenes, his subjects include lovers, mothers, and numerous nudes.As his career progressed, Renoir investigated different styles and techniques, shifting away from the feathery Impressionist touch to a more robust, classical corporeality, sometimes called his “Ingres period,” and later to monumental pieces such as The Bathers. From the abundant output of his lengthy career, this essential artist introduction selects key Renoir works to explore his innovations in the art of painting, as much as his traditions in pursuit of beauty, harmony, and the female form.

2007 Руб.

Printio Блокнот Девочка с лейкой (пьер огюст ренуар) feist peter h renoir
Printio Блокнот Девочка с лейкой (пьер огюст ренуар)
Бренд: Printio

Блокнот — обложка: ОТСУТСТВУЕТ. Пьер Огюст Ренуар (фр. Pierre-Auguste Renoir) — французский живописец, график и скульптор, один из основных представителей импрессионизма.

Printio Конверт средний С5 Девочка с лейкой (пьер огюст ренуар) feist peter h renoir
Printio Конверт средний С5 Девочка с лейкой (пьер огюст ренуар)
Бренд: Printio

Конверт средний С5. Пьер Огюст Ренуар (фр. Pierre-Auguste Renoir) — французский живописец, график и скульптор, один из основных представителей импрессионизма.

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