ransome arthur great northern

Ransome Arthur Great Northern? ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Great Northern?

'I was wrong,' said Captain Flint. 'He's not mad but bad. It isn't only eggs he wants. He wants to take the credit for it. You're quite right. It's up to us, it's up to the ship, to see he doesn't.'Dick's birdwatching discovery turns the cruise of the Sea Bear into a desperate chase. Not only do the Swallows and Amazons have to prove the facts of the case but they also have to dodge the savage natives and evade the ruthless pursuit of a fanatic egg-collector, determined to kill a pair of rare birds and steal the credit. Fortunately, Nancy has a few plans.

1910 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Great Northern? ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Great Northern?

Flat on his front, binoculars to his eyes, alone at dusk, Dick makes a remarkable discovery: two rare birds, never before seen in the British Isles. Captain Flint and his crew decide to consult an expert to confirm the discovery. But when the man they ask turns out to have his collector’s eye on the birds’ eggs, not to mention skins, an enjoyable voyage around the Outer Hebrides becomes a desperate race to save the birds, and themselves…

2057 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Swallowdale ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Swallowdale

John, Susan, Titty and Roger return to the lake for another summer camping on their island with their old allies, Nancy and Peggy, otherwise known as the Amazon pirates. But immediately disaster strikes when the Swallows find themselves marooned ashore by the shipwreck of their boat. But if they can't have the island, there's always Swallowdale, the secret valley, hidden from the world and containing an extra secret concealed within it.

2057 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Swallowdale ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Swallowdale

'Ahoy! Ahoy! Swallows! Ahoy!' Have you ever sailed in a boat or built a camp? Have you caught trout and cooked it yourself? The four Swallows, John, Susan, Titty and Roger return to the lake full of such plans and they can't wait to meet up with Nancy and Peggy, the Amazon Pirates. When the Swallow is shipwrecked and the Amazon's fearsome Great-Aunt makes decides to make a visit their summer seems ruined. Then they discover a wonderful hidden valley and things take a turn for the better...

2229 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Missee Lee ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Missee Lee

Nancy Blackett, the terror of the seas, has finally met a real pirate - the tiny, pistol-carrying Missee Lee, who has rescued them after their shipwreck off the coast of China. The only trouble is she wants to keep them. forever.

2054 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Secret Water ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Secret Water

'You’ll start with a blank map, that doesn’t do more than show roughly what’s water and what isn’t’ When the Walker family’s holiday plans are ruined by Daddy having to work, the whole summer seems lost at sea. But a dull holiday for the children is too miserable to bear so their parents hatch a plan. The Swallows are to be marooned on an island with only a blank map and a little sailing dinghy. Their task? To explore and chart the area, avoid the endless mud and survive. And what do they discover? Well, they might not be as alone as they first thought… Includes exclusive content: In the 'Backstory' you can find out about some real life explorers! Vintage Children’s Classics is a twenty-first century classics list aimed at 8-12 year olds and the adults in their lives.

2146 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Coot Club ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Coot Club

Tom Dudgeon has cast off a motor cruiser from its moorings to protect a coot's nest, but now the cruiser is searching high and low for him - even offering a reward. Tom accepts an invitation for a week's cruise to teach his new friends, Dick and Dorothea how to sail. You couldn't get a better sailor than Tom but can he really stay one jump ahead of his pursuers long enough to complete the voyage?

1907 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Coot Club ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Coot Club

‘Let fly jib sheet! Slack away main! Fenders out!’ Dick and Dorothea – also known as The Ds – arrive in Norfolk all ready to learn how to sail. They couldn’t hope for a better teacher than Tom Dudgeon. But Tom is in a spot of trouble. After seeing the beastly Margoletta moored clean across the nests of his beloved coots, Tom set the motorcruiser adrift. Now the enemy have offered a bounty on his head. Can they save the birds’ nest from almost certain destruction? Will they avoid being caught by the awful Hullabaloos? Only some brave friends and quick thinking stands between them and disaster… Includes exclusive material: In ‘The Backstory’ you can test your knowledge of the book, learn about the adventurous author and get some handy facts about birds and boats. Vintage Children’s Classics is a twenty-first century classics list aimed at 8-12 year olds and the adults in their lives.

2146 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Missee Lee ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Missee Lee

'So long,' called the harbourmaster. 'Don't run into Missee Lee!' The Swallows, Amazons and Captain Flint don't pay much heed to the harbourmaster's friendly warning as they set off for China. They are on a round-the-world voyage aboard the Wild Cat and it's been plain sailing for a hundred ports. But when Gibber, the ship's monkey, accidentally sinks their faithful boat things take a serious turn for the worse. Separated, captured, miles from home, the Swallows and Amazons are about to meet their fate and the pirate who holds it: the legendary Missee Lee... In the 'Backstory' you can learn to decipher Nancy's Morse code and find out about the real life inspirations for Missee Lee Vintage Children's Classics is a twenty-first century classics list aimed at 8-12 year olds and the adults in their lives.

2314 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Pigeon Post ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Pigeon Post

Reunited for the summer, the Swallows and Amazons with Dick and Dorothea launch a prospecting expedition to find the lost gold mine of the high hills above the lake. But the mining camp runs into all sorts of trouble: not only the danger of fire in the drought ridden countryside but also scary encounters with unsafe tunnels. Worst of all is the sinister Squashy Hat, who appears to be a rival prospector and who's certainly a spy - how can they keep working without him discovering what they've found?

1910 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Pigeon Post ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Pigeon Post

'Barbecued billygoats!' Can you imagine finding gold? That's just what the Swallows and Amazons and Dick and Dorothea decide to hunt for in the hills high above the lake. But it's a hot and dry summer and water is in scarce supply. Worse still for the troubled campers, they have competition: Squashy Hat. Anybody can see he is a prospector. And talk about squashy hats! The children have never seen squashier. Just who is he and what sort of traps is he laying? Using pigeons to carry messages, braving dangerous mines and fires, the Swallows, Amazons and D's Mining Company must stake their claim before their dreaded rival... Includes exclusive material: In 'The Backstory' you can test your knowledge of the book and learn all about homing pigeons! Vintage Children's Classics is a twenty-first century classics list aimed at 8-12 year olds and the adults in their lives.

2387 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Secret Water ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Secret Water

John, Susan, Titty and Roger, the crew of the Swallow, take on the job of mapping the mass of small islands round Pin Mill while living on the biggest one. But who are the mysterious savages who lurk in the islands - and is the tribal totem they find in their campsite a threat of attack.

1910 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Winter Holiday ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Winter Holiday

'Well,' said Nancy, 'You know what it's like. Dark at teatime and sleeping indoors: nothing ever happens in the winter holidays.'Nothing - except a polar expedition, full of mountain rescues, blizzards, igloos, ice sailing and heroic work amidst the frozen wastes. For Dick and Dorothea, newcomers to the lake, meeting up with the Swallows and Amazons sweeps them into a wild adventure where they must prove their worth to the team

2057 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Peter Duck ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Peter Duck

A timeless classic, beautifully rejacketed. One of twelve Arthur Ransome titles reissued this month The Swallows and Amazons are sailing with Nancy and Peggy's Uncle Jim (better known as Captain Flint) when their hired deckhand tells them a tale of his younger days - a tale to set pulses racing and hopes shooting sky high. Soon their boat is on its way to a Caribbean treasure hunt and they find themselves up against shark, storm, earthquake - and the vilest pirate who ever eavesdropped at a porthole.

2081 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Peter Duck ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Peter Duck

‘Why do they call him Black Jake? Is it because of his hair?’ Titty asked. ‘Because of his heart’ said Peter Duck The Swallows and Amazons, as well as Captain Flint and the ancient able seaman Peter Duck, set sail on the Wild Cat bound for the Channel. But they are shadowed by the Viper, manned by none other than Black Jake - a beastly pirate with a dark plan. Can the children race ahead and uncover the buried treasure before the pirate? Can they survive storms, earthquakes, crabs and even a waterspout and make it home?

2387 Руб.

Ransome Arthur Winter Holiday ransome arthur great northern
Ransome Arthur Winter Holiday

Or so Nancy thinks. Then the lake ices over completely and the Swallows and Amazons, along with Dick and Dorothea - 'the D's' - plan a race to find the North Pole. How will they reach it if they can't sail? By sledges of course! But when a blizzard blows up and there is a mix up about signals, the D's disappear into the Arctic night. Disaster looms. Can the Swallows and Amazons save their friends?

1932 Руб.


Каталог товаров:

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